Northeastern University 2019 RD

@zzd857 @TomSrOfBoston is correct that NMF will replace your Deans scholarship, but I do think the CAMD creative leaders scholarship will stack…the NMF scholarship levels seem to vary this year so definitely confirm all of this with the FA Office ASAP, congrats!

@student5430 congrats. For others earlier on this page re: National Hispanic scholarship, did your package say what that amount was?

@vanillapudding23 don’t look at everyone’s stats! It all depends on the bucket your in… state, school type, and other indicators… too many NYers with high stats?

Decision (and if deferred EA): Waitlisted, applied only RD
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 1510 (superscore)
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 4.0/4.5
State/Country: CA
Major: Biology
Did you apply for FA?: YES
Honors/NMF/etc?: AP Scholar, 9 AP’s, 4 years choir, dance team, participated in musicals 3 years, volunteer in clinics, summer healthcare experience.

wow, so it’s very unlikely to get off the waitlist?

Decision (and if deferred EA): Accepted RD after being deferred EA
SAT/ACT (Superscore): SAT - 1500
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 3.9 UW / 4.2 W
State/Country: NJ
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Did you apply for FA?: Yes
Experience: Captain of wrestling team, varsity soccer, Habitat for Humanity, Physics tutor, National
Merit Finalist

Wrote a LOCI and think it helped.

Son was deferred from EA. Got accepted today to business school. Not clear about the condition on financial package that he stay in univ housing. Doesn’t say if for all years. not sure what to make of that. Is this a new requirement?

I posted earlier about my daughter, who got into the NUin program. We have received no info about finaid yet, but it seems most people have. We are very skeptical about the NUin program. While NEU is not her dream school (it was a huge reach and her guidance counselor suggested it at the last minute), it would be more appealing if she could start with all the other freshman. That’s what she wants. I read mostly negative stuff about the NUin program. Sigh.

Decision (and if deferred EA): Waitlist (deffered EA)
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 34
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 4.45/4.0
State/Country: Massachusetts
Major: Engineering
Did you apply for FA?: Yes
Honors/NMF/etc?: NHS, hundreds of volunteer hours, job, school leadership club, outside of school soccer team

Kinda bummed :frowning:

Decision (and if deferred EA): Waitlist , RD
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 34 (35)
GPA : 4.0/4.53
State/Country: Ohio
Major: Data Analytics
Did you apply for FA?: Yes
Honors/NMF/etc?: Cross country, choir, musicals, some community service, quiz bowl

Kinda bummed but I’m not sure it would be feasible for me to attend anyways. Hopefully a waitlist from here means Case Western will take me lol.

Decision (and if deferred EA): Accepted RD to NUin Program
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 1460 (790 M,670 R&W)
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): Top 5 percentile in my class
State/Country: India (International)
Major: Environmental Engineering
Did you apply for FA?: We are not allowed to :expressionless:
Honors/NMF/etc?: AP scholar with honors, Won governor’s award for efforts in local community, Student council and some environment related projects

Most probably, won’t be attending but it felt good to see my first acceptance after ED rejection by Cornell and waitlist by GATech :)>-

Decision (and if deferred EA): Waitlisted, applied only RD
SAT/ACT: 1560, math 2:800, biology:800
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): UW 4.3
State/Country: CT
Major: Engineering
Did you apply for FA?: YES
Honors/NMF/etc? 8 AP courses

Decision: Deferred EA, Accepted to NUin RD
ACT: 34
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 3.9 UW, 4.3 W
State/Country: California
Major: Political Science and Philosophy
Letters of Rec: 10/10
Essay: It was creative… idk 8.5/10? NU doesn’t have supplements though
Extracurriculars: Very strong (leadership positions and stuff, all around cool person lol)
I’ve taken 7 APs and 4 Honors classes… etc.

@ncw2000 it’s actually not the study abroad program. I would be attending their London school for three years and graduating there. I did some research and they only just aqcuired it last month. It’s very peculiar.

Accepted into!
IB Predicted: 39 (first round)
EC’s: MUN, Student Council and other amazing EC’s
Recs: Hopefully good

Most likely won’t end up going because Northeastern is extremely expensive.

Can someone tell me how many people get accepted into, in total? As well as whether getting in means your application was weaker than those getting into NU straight away?

Decision (and if deferred EA): Accepted NUin after being deferred EA
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 32
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 3.95 UW / 4.32 W
State/Country: GA
Major: Envronmentall Engineering
Did you apply for FA?: Yes
Experience: Robotics, Marching Band, lots of ECs, school awards.

@twicemama @PengsPhils
Yes, my husband and I both went to NU. It seems like ContiNUe is a part-time college prep type program (extremely limited courses, inability to take a full college load, vague required “leadership” classes, no enrollment in major of choice) thrown as a “bone” to legacy applicants who otherwise would have been rejected.

My son may not have had the best stats but he is currently aceing AP biology, physics and calculus and will get college credit for these classes. Luckily he has other acceptances but he is quite disappointed and has said he would have preferred to have been rejected rather than accepted into this program. I’d like to assume that the program fits for some candidates…but there is some pretty negative press about the program’s first year:

There is a definite misconception of NUin on CC forums. NEU is a very different university from most others and you really can’t go comparing it to traditional programs. It operates as a year round school, always in motion and experiential learning. Students accepted into the NUin program are just as talented and intelligent as every other “regular” admitted student. What the Adcom sees is a student who has a lot to offer the university but they don’t have the space on campus or in the major for fall.

The student body tends to be independent and outwardly focused looking, for non traditional experiences. The first thing many kids do after first year is travel abroad over the summer for a Dialogue of Civilization. Coops start as early as spring sophomore year where you leave the campus (but you could still live there if your coop is in Boston) and explore “reality” of the working world. Students continuously work and study all over the globe. There is a need for flexibility, independence, and problem solving from day one. If you read the parent forum on FB and search NUin experiences, you will find glowing reviews of the time their student spent abroad and the amazing cohort of friends they made (often stronger than those on campus first semester). Is the program perfect for everyone? Definitely not. But the admissions committee saw something in you as a student and thought this experience might appeal to your sense of adventure and creativity.

People have to stop saying or thinking students are less of a candidate to be offered all these different NEU programs. From my experience with this university, NEU is constantly thinking outside the box, developing ways to offer many types of non traditional educational experiences to create individuals prepared to deal with the real world. If you’re looking for a traditional college, I don’t feel NEU is anything close to that.

@husky19 Virtually all freshmen and sophomores are required to live on campus. If a student is from the Boston area and decides to commute from home then need based aid would be decreased as the COA would be lower. Call FA for clarification.

Last year there were several students accepted from the waitlist. There were quiet a few posts here on this forum (you can go back a year and look for yourselves) and I also know a few in real life. I am sure as a percentage it is not a huge number but never the less it was NOT none or just a couple. I think the FAQ that is keeping posted is from previous years. In general though the movement of the waitlist can change dramatically from year to year. Good luck to all!