Northeastern University 2019 RD

@boston133 Same with us-deferral letter is now gone!

Mine still says the “as a deferred applicant” thing on the left but the letter is gone…

what is the expected day decisions come out


My daughter was deferred…

Class rank: 2/307
ACT: 31
GPA: 4.0 unweighted, 4.6 weighted
Has taken 12 AP classes and mostly all other honors
NHS Officer, SGA Officer, National Thespian Society, Varsity Field Hockey Captain, over 4,000 volunteer hours, started a non-profit, many school clubs

Applied for BSN (Bachelor of Science Nursing)

Still waiting!

My deferral letter is gone… OMG I’m so stressed

Last year they were supposed to come out on a Tuesday but because of snow it was Wednesday- maybe it could be today?

i hope!

Deferral letter is gone here as well

deferral letter gone too
Does this mean something?

Mine is gone as well! Looking at previous years, I’m guessing decisions are going to be released today or tomorrow.

In case anyone was wondering, I’m from MA and I just checked, nothing yet

Saying prayers !

Good luck to everyone! I’m sure whether we get in or not though, we’ll all wind up going to great schools in the end :relaxed:

Yeah I haven’t received any emails yet

For reference, if decisions aren’t out by 5:15PM, it’s safe to assume they won’t be coming out that day

^hm ok :slight_smile:

I’m so excited

Wait, so does ED II still come out sometime this month or what?

I think ED II came out on February 15th.