Northeastern University 2020 EA

Any cali people yet?

nothing from FL yet

Decision: Accepted: Deans scholarship, $16,000/yr
SAT/ACT: 1530
GPA: 4.12
State/Country: CT
Major: Chemical Engineering
Did you apply for FA: Yes (Low efc)
So happy and grateful. I can’t believe it.

Decision: ACCEPTED
SAT, ACT: 1530, 35
GPA: 4.9 W 3.94 UW
State: PA
Major: MechE
Applied for financial aid: Y

Dean’s Scholarship: 64k !

I keep trying to log in, its worked an hour ago but now its saying applicant not found, anyone else have this issue??

Trying to sign in, and it keeps saying “Applicant not found. Please check your NU ID and password”.

now when i try and reach the page all i get is a screen with “HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.”

I’m getting Applicant not found too, and was able get in an hour ago (but no decision Had been posted). Assuming it’s another glitch, or maybe decisions are being loaded. In VA.

So far tonight we have:

A 404 site not found error
A 503 service unavailable error
Just a blank page
My applicant portal, showing that everything was submitted

Awesome, Northeastern.

@tryingtothrive wondering the same thing. I’m from CA but in Ecuador (on East Coast time) and was hoping it would get me the results earlier. Big sad.

You’d think they’d have this all figured out by now. I’m in MD and still nada.

Same for my daughter in NJ

CA here. Still can’t access the portal. You’d think they could anticipate things and get it right given the months we’ve had to wait for decisions. Will post decision when it comes

When she hits you with the 404 site not found error :frowning:

@sborislow did you get 64K in merit aid or Financial aid? Good job!

Is it possible they are releasing them in waves? Im in ma, my portal is still down

Anyone from MD get in yet?

nope :frowning:

Anybody from the south get in yet? I’m from AL and I’m still waiting :frowning:

I’m from TX and the portal says my app can’t be found when I try to log in. Any idea why??