Northeastern University 2020 EA


It’s not like you are guaranteed admittance with certain scores. It’s a very competitive school, I’m sure they can fill their class through only ED & EA high stat kids alone.

“applicant not found” in VA hmmmmmmmm…

From PA here. No email yet and the portal is still down. High-key pretty peeved as it’s almost 8, the end of the projected range for delivery of the decision.

Edit: Also getting the “Applicant not found” prompt.

I’m a college adviser, and NEU gives us a few hours heads-up that decisions are coming. We’re asked not to share info but we’re given context to help us advise our students. Here’s part of what was released to us today:

i’m va too but i am not getting the applicant not found just not loading :frowning:

Hi! Is anyone else getting the “Applicant not found. Please check your NU ID and password” message?

Wow, so many applications

Ah- that makes more sense! It would be great if people listed the scholarship with “for all years” or X amount per year (NEU scholarships are always for the 4 academic year - 8 semesters since you don’t pay tuition on Coop).

with the applicant not found it helps if you don’t copy and paste your id and password from a different doc

I’m in PA and I was able to log in earlier but I’m seeing applicant not found now.

Has anyone gotten in the portal in the last hour?

I’m in OH and I’m getting the no application found message as well.

no application found In NY

BRO I just wanna know! It’s bad enough that I can’t get work done because I’m so anxious about what my decision will be, but now it’s already past the time when I was supposed to know?!?! I know NU is doing everything to get the portal back up, and ranting on CC isn’t going to change anything, I’m just a little frustrated for my sanity right now lol

Thank you so much for sharing this, @piesquared

not to have a defeatist attitude, but it kind of sucks waiting so long, especially when i’m sure i didn’t get in. like i want to rip the bandaid off quickly please. it isn’t their fault i’m just :frowning:

At this point it seems that Northeastern just invalidated everyone’s credentials.

tried changing password no luck

Applicant not found in CA

As in… lost everyone’s applications?