Northeastern University 2020 EA

I just want to say hi to everyone on this thread. I popped on because this year I have students applying and I like to see when the waves hit different areas. CC is the ultimate recon! Very different from last year, when I was both a parent and a counselor. I’m actually more nervous for some of my students.

And for those of you deferred or denied, just know that the admissions cycle is just beginning and lots can change. You’ll get in places you didn’t necessarily expect and be rejected from schools you thought were perhaps a sure thing. Over the years, I’ve seen kids end up in unexpected places and usually thrive, or adjust course and figure out a different path. The most important thing is that you go to college somewhere you and your family can afford that will provide opportunities for you.

Personally, I’m now a Northeastern parent. My son had quite the admissions change of heart and almost gave us whiplash last year. NEU went from “the school my mom made me apply to because she liked it” to “interesting” to “top three” to “where I want to go.” And the kid who was sure he wanted a small liberal arts school made a giant leap and couldn’t be a happier freshman. He got into some of the top CC Universities and top CC Liberal Arts Colleges, but he went with where he thought he could maximize his experiences.

What you’re so sure of right now may change. Just open your heart and your brain to lots of places and you’ll find your opportunities too. You can and should allow yourself to be disappointed if you didn’t get the decision you wanted. From my end, I can’t predict decisions and I know a lot about my students. It’s no reflection on you, your abilities or your future if you get a no.

VA, got into the portal but no response, same as it looked yesterday

Soo I finally got into the portal after an hour and a half of trying… but no decision yet for AL

I was able to access my app but there is still no decision…I’m from MD

Was able to just log in, website seems to be back up but no decision is up for CA

Decision: Accepted into Honors Program
Honors Scholarship $27,000/yr total $108,000
SAT/ACT: 1560
GPA: 4.2
State/Country: NJ
Major: CS
Did you apply for FA: Yes

VA into portal no decision

does anyone know the acceptance rate for early action last year?


Much better than I expected lol

FL, got into the portal but no decision yet

@12345awesomedragons According to an email that was sent out to counselors today, the acceptance rate for EA is roughly 16% (not counting those who got accepted for

From OH here, got into the portal but no decision released yet

I got in!! - from NY
got into business school for entrepreneurship
full IBDP candidate
32 ACT
95.15 wGPA

Are we supposed to get an email when our decisions are available on the portal?

where on page will decision be posted?

Hey guys has anyone from Maryland been accepted yet?

I just got in but nothing had changed from earlier today. Link still says “https:// asp”

like it has each time I’ve obsessively hit refresh over the past months lol

So looks like maybe they’ve fixed the issue and can resume uploading decisions. I’m in Oklahoma, so should have been part of the 7-9 p.m. wave if things had been working properly. No email yet, and nothing has changed at all in my portal yet.

33 ACT
from NJ
3 sports and various clubs and honor societies
gpa 93.4

was able to access website but no decision :frowning: has anyone from CA heard back?

Lmaoo after THEEE HOURS of obsessively reloading the (not working) website, I finally got in and no decision is posted ?. Like at this point I don’t think I’m getting it today. VA was supposed to come out at the latest 36 mins ago.