Northeastern University 2020 EA

I can’t believe this! Totally did not expect to get in considering I sent my very low subject test scores. Congrats to those accepted, and if you weren’t, don’t be sad because you are still a wonderful human being with so much potential.

Decision: ACCEPTED
Date applied: 11/1/2019
Date accepted: 1/22/2020

Which school/major: Engineering (also got into Honors Program)

Scholarships: Northeastern National Hispanic Scholar ($30,000 per year)

ACT: 34
Unweighted GPA: 3.9
Weighted GPA: 4.5
AP: Spanish (4), European History (4), Chemistry (3), Environmental Science (4), English Language (5), United States History (3)
Senior Year Course Load: AP Government, AP Calc AB, AP Biology, AP English Literature, Physics Honors
Major Awards: National Hispanic Recognition, National Merit Commended, AP Scholar with Distinction, Rotary Youth Leadership Award

Extracurriculars: FIRST Robotics (captain), Makerspace (mentor), Student Government (vice president), founder of an ongoing school project, National Honors Society (treasurer), writer for STEM magazine
Volunteer/Community Service: local hospital volunteer work
Summer Activities: volunteering, college engineering course, mentor at a leadership seminar
Essays (rating): 8/10
Teacher Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): 10/10; 8.5/10
Counselor Rec (rating 1-10, details): 9/10

State: CA
School Type: Private
Ethnicity: Mexican
Gender: Female

Strengths: grades, test scores, a strong commitment to STEM, probably also being a female and minority I guess
Weaknesses: didn’t have a lot of major awards, summer activities were kind of lacking
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: my PSAT score definitely helped with the scholarship…I think I showed a lot of passion in my common application essays

Decision: Accepted, NUin
GPA: 5/4 Weighted, 4/4 Unweighted
State/Country: FL
Major: History
Did you apply for FA?: Yes

Decision: Deferred
SAT: 1240
UWGPA: 3.65
WGPA: 4.7

I am so sad I got deferred, I started crying.

Decision: Accepted!!! 12k a year scholarship
SAT/ACT: 1500/ 33; 800 Biology Subject Test
GPA: 4.3 weighted, 4.0 unweighted
State/Country: Alabama
Major: Cell and Molecular Biology
Did you apply for FA?: Yes

Does anyone know how likely it is to get in once you’ve been deferred?

I was deferred with 1270 SAT and 4.156 w gpa so I was honestly surprised to be deferred not rejected!

Decision: deferred
GPA: 3.9 Weighted, 3.3 Unweighted
State/Country: VA
Major: CyberSecurity
Did you apply for FA?: Yes

Pretty bummed, definitely tied for my top school. Really hoping I make it in.


CA Accepted with $15K NHRP.
3.98 UW, 4.62 W.
SAT 1430 and 790 Math ll.
Lots of ECs and varsity sports.

NEU was high target/low reach. Now the long wait on my 5 reaches, but I’d be very happy to attend NEU.

literallly fuming rn.

how long should a LOCI be?

Decision: Accepted, $30k/yr honors program
GPA: 3.92 UW
State/Country: MO
Major: Business Administration and Communication Studies
Did you apply for FA?: Yes

Decision: Deferred
GPA: 4.3 Weighted, 3.91 Unweighted
State/Country: CA
Major: Film & Media Studies
Did you apply for FA?: Yes

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Deferred, IL
35 ACT, 780 on Bio M and Literature
3.94 UW GPA
12 AP’s by the end of this year
Major: Undecided/NU Explore

Not super surprised, since I expressed almost no interest in the school, but it still hurts. I guess I’ll just have to wait until the EDII/RD round.

Wondering if any Journalism/Political Science majors have received decisions yet…

@soptop17 No one can give you odds on that but from last year’s decision thread there were many deferred EA students accepted RD. You can skim through last years RD decisions here:

Decision: Deferred
GPA: 3.9 Weighted, 3.7 Unweighted
State/Country: NJ
Major: Journalism/Film & Media Studies
Did you apply for FA?: Yes

Accepted - from CA
GPA 4.33 W. 3.9 UW. SAT 1510. NMSF.

Many ECs with good leadership positions.
20K Dean’s Scholarship. I am very happy and grateful!!

@PurpleLlama066 Think of a LOCI as an opportunity to write brief “Why Northeastern” essay. Concentrate of why NU would be a good fit for you.

Thanks for explaining! NU is my daughter’s first choice and she was deferred.
GPA 4.2

Not sure of her RD chances but fingers crossed!

@pinky020816 The Honors Scholarship appears to be higher than the Deans. The HS does slightly vary.