Northeastern University 2020 EA

This for all my bois that got rejected!

Accepted! 46k/year
33 ACT, 4.0 UW

Decision: Accepted, connections scholarship, 14k/yr
SAT/ACT: 1570
GPA: 4.5
State/Country: MD
Major: MechE
Did you apply for FA: yes

I was terrified I was going to get deferred for yield protection as a lot of people have, so basically I showed interest in as many ways as possibleā€¦ emailed my regional counselor like 3 times with questions I had, submitted a supplemental essay, uploaded my resume, signed up for the newsletter (visited today but that was almost two years ago), etc. Pretty sure thatā€™s what saved me from a deferral, so to anyone reading this with higher stats and looking for advice about how to avoid getting slapped with yield protection, guess Iā€™d just recommend the same strategy as far as showing interestā€¦

Kinda disappointed I didnā€™t get more in terms of money, though, because Northeastern really is one of my top schools. Oh well.

@TomSrOfBoston that is more the phrasing I was going for. My own wording sounds very bad now that Iā€™m looking back. Although, I did show a lot of interest. I visited the school and stayed in contact with one of the tour guides that was answering some of my questions that I didnt have a chance to ask during the tour.

@TomSrOfBoston thank you for the information I was really wondering what happened! We are making more now than 2 years ago but with 1 at WPI, canā€™t really afford much more than state school, we will see hopefully he will fall in love with Umass Amherst which is rated very high in computer science.

Decision: Deferred

ACT: 34
GPA: 102.15 W
Rank: 8/~318
SAT II: 780 Biology M
IB diploma candidate
IB Math SL Test: 6

Major: Biology
Apply for FA: Yes (by accident)


I just got accepted to the NU-in program, even though when filling out my application I said I didnā€™t want to do it.

does anybody know anything about why this might have happened?

thank you!

Accepted w/ 20,000 per year!
SAT/ACT: 1560 (770M, 790R)
GPA: 4.6
State: MD
Major: Mech engineering

Also does anyone know if itā€™s possible to apply to the Honors College or transfer in?

Accepted from UT!!
Honors Program and 30k NHRP scholarship
ACT: 33 superscore
GPA: 3.94 UW
14 APs & 5 IB (total HS)
FA: yes
Major: Political Science and Business Administration
Super excited and would love to go but donā€™t think scholarship & financial aid will be enough

Decision: Accepted (honors)
Scholarship: 16k/yr
SAT/ACT: 36 (first time)
SAT II: Biology M: 800, Math 2: 800
GPA: 3.9 uw/4.6 w
Rank: 11/817
APs: 10 total
State/Country: NY
Major: Biochemistry
Did you apply for FA: Yes

Activities: 2 summers of research, senior environmental research project, co-president science honor society, bio/chem tutor, bio lab assistant, treasurer of temple youth group, paid educator at temple, JSA member, NHS member

Awards: Many science awards including 2020 Regeneron STS Scholar & 1st in science at 2019 international GENIUS olympiad, commended national merit scholar, AP scholar with distinction

@suzyQ7 do you know what the National Merit Scholarship amount is?

My kidā€™s Honor Scholarship award letter says once named NMF, theyā€™ll get the National Merit scholarship which will supercede the Honors Scholarship already awarded. Honors Scholarship is $30k/yr ($120k total.) Is National Merit more than that?

Decision: Deferred
ACT: 34
GPA: 3.95 unweighted
State: MO
Major: Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (probably not the best choice lol)
Did you apply for FA: Yes
Activities: Stuco spirit leader, tennis captain, senior advisor, admissions ambassador, service trips to Houndorus and U.S.-Mex border, tutored for 2 years at a disadvantaged grade School, and more.
Essays: Well I could say they were good but like everyone says that soā€¦
Did you show interest: no. I honestly showed 0 interest which obviously did some damage. NU was never at the top of my list so i didnā€™t make an effort to meet with my admissions person, go on tour, apply for any programs, etc.

Final thoughts:
Iā€™m not really upset at all. I just didnā€™t show interest in the school so I kind of feel like I didnā€™t deserve it. And NU really does deffer A TON of people so like there is hope. Good for the people who made it in tonight! It seems like the admissions board did a good job of making sure that only people who love NU got into NU, not necessarily the cookie-cutter candidates who saw that there was no supplemental essay.

@Mikey2024 Thatā€™s unfortunate. Tour guide contact likely does not get into the official file. Write a good LOCI and hopefully it will work out RD.

Decision: Deferred
GPA: 4.0
State/Country: MI
Major: Journalism
Did you apply for FA: yes

Not super disappointed because I did not reach out and make as much as an effort to contact NEU as others and didnā€™t get the chance to tour.

Decision: Accepted, Deanā€™s Scholarship $22k per year
GPA: 4.6/4 Weighted, 4.0 Unweighted
State/Country: CA
Major: Chemical Engineering
Did you apply for FA?: Yes

@suzyQ7 @curiousme2 I am pretty sure that the $56,000 scholarship is over four years or it includes a need based grant too. Last year the max NMF scholarship was $35,000/year I believe.

1410 SAT
4.14 W GPA
all honors/one AP
Good essay
Club president and good extra curricular
NHS member

Does anyone know how to find merit scholarships? Iā€™m afraid I didnā€™t get any and NU is so expensive.

Decision: Accepted with Honors, $27k/yr
SAT: 1570 (780 EBR, 790 Math), ACT: 35 (36 Reading and English, 34 Math and Science)
UWGPA: 4.0
WGPA: 5.54/6.0
Rank: 13/334
APs: Biology (5), USGov (4), Chem (5), World (5), Calc AB (5), English Lang (5), French(3), US History (5), Seminar (5)
Current courses: AP Calc BC, AP English Lit, AP Research, AP Human Geo, AP Comp Sci Principles, Film Appreciation and Criticism (also dual enrollment: criminal justice and sociology first semester, both As, and microbio and psych starting next week for second semester)
ECs: cheerleading (captain), Science Honor Society (president), Mission trip last two summers, 63 volunteer hours over the summer at a local hospital, French Honor Society (officer), Future Physicians of America (officer), math tutor since Jan 2019, restaurant hostess (10 hr/wk) since Aug 2019
Awards: AP Capstone Diploma eligible, NMSF pending finalist, honor roll all four years, JHU CTY member, National AP Scholar
Major: Biology
Did you apply need based FA: Yes
Region: MD
Visited campus in August

So excited!!! Congrats to everyone who got in and good luck to those deferred!

Thank you. Sounds like itā€™s possible kid will get $5k more per year than current award?