Northeastern University 2020 EA

is the letter of continued interest written in essay form? If so how many words

I got deferred too :frowning:

Does anyone knows Northeasternā€™s defer rate? And how many percent of deferred applicant got in in RD round?


Congratulations! Check out the NUin videos on youtube. So helpful!
NuinLondon ectā€¦

it sux I hate it

same here tbh

ACCEPTED! 1400 GPA and 3.6 GPA, 40k scholarship!

Decision: Accepted & to University Honors Program + $30k Honors Scholarship (may receive scholarship for NHRP too, not sure yet)
SAT/ACT: 1580/34
GPA: 4.0 UW
State/Country: TX
Major: Environmental Science
ECs: leadership roles in academic decathllon and cultural clubs, art stuff, part time job, volunteer work
Did you apply for FA?: Yes

Congrats to everyone who got accepted, good luck to everyone who was deferred! :slight_smile:

@jessy168 the LOCIs that my friends and I have been writing are in essay form. There isnā€™t really a recommended word count. I typically wrote a paragraph explaining my intentions with the school, a paragraph expressing why Iā€™m still interested in the school and what programs and specific aspects of the schools appeal to me, and a paragraph wrapping it up and asking if thereā€™s anything I can do to strengthen my applicant standing in the regular pool. hope this helps :slight_smile:

Thank you so much, will definitely check out the videos!!


SAT 1500 (math 800), Math subject 790
GPA: 3.79 w4.25
Highly competitive HS

Mech Eng

Not sure if I should reach out to show interest, or just sit back and wait?

Decision: Accepted!!
Merit Scholarship: Deanā€™s Scholarship $14k per year
Major: International Affairs and Economics
SAT: 1550 (780 R and 770 Math)
GPA: 4.0 unweighted
APs: French, Computer Science A, Computer Science Principles, Physics 1, Physics 2, Calculus
Extra-curriculars: Mock Trial, Debate team, HOBY, Church council, Interact Club, NHS, Dance, Varsity Soccer, Complete Count Committee, IBIP
Summer activities: Georgetownā€™s Advanced Law & Trial Summit and George Masonā€™s Debate Institute
Essay: Unique idea but it probably could have been written better
Did you apply for FA: yes

Deferred. 1540 sat. 100 unweighted GPA. NMSF. What would the NMF merit award be anyway?

I got into Northeastern early decision this year. For anyone that got deferred I would definitely recommend reaching out to your admissions officer and express interest or anything not displayed in your application. My stats are lower than average at NU and I think that the conversations I had with my admission counselor is a big part of why I got in. Hope this helps! Good luck!

Daughter accepted with Deanā€™s scholarship- applied for international business. She has much higher merit aid offers from other schools so we will see. Sheā€™s just excited to be accepted

@TotalWiscoGirl thank you! Do you just submit it as a doc onto the portal?

Accepted ($20k / year scholarship ā†’ $80k)
College: Engineering
Major: Computer Science

SAT: 1580 (780 Reading, 800 Math)
SAT II Physics: 800
SAT II Math: 800
GPA: 3.75

ECā€™s: Electric triangle

Decision: Accepted!
Merit Scholarship: Deanā€™s Scholarship $14k per year
Major: Health Sciences
ACT: 34 (no superscore)
GPA: 91.8 unweighted
APs: World History, Gov, USH, Art history, biology, psychology, Lang, Lit, Calc, Stat, Enviro
Extra-curriculars: Club Soccer, Varsity Soccer, Key Club president, ski instructor four years, camp counselor
Upper Class
Did you apply for FA: no

Decision: Accepted + Invited to Honors
ACT: 33 (superscored)
GPA: 3.78 UW, 4.07 W
State: AL
Major: Finance
Applied for FA: yes, but thereā€™s no chance Iā€™m getting any lmao
Race (bc I feel that it was important for my situation): African/Black

GPA might not be that pretty, but I went to my stateā€™s STEM boarding school for 2yrs (transferred before senior yr) which was on a trimester schedule so my transcript is loaded in terms of difficulty/rigor and quantity. Also I maxed out my Common App Activities List with high quality ECs (or at least I think theyā€™re pretty good), so I feel that couldā€™ve made up a little for my subpar GPA. My counselor & teacher recs were both from ppl Iā€™d known for 3 months max, so I cannot assume they were crazy powerful, but obviously they were effective enough. Overall, I definitely feel like I had the merit to be accepted, but I canā€™t deny that being black probably helped a bit, even if Iā€™m far from low income.

Accepted in College of Engineering(Major: Computer Science and Computer Engineering) with Deanā€™s scholarship 28K per annum up to a max of 112K
Good stats, Significant Ecs, Asian Male OOS Did not apply for FA

I wish I knew how to private message you! I got in!
Deanā€™s Scholarship for only $14,000 which puts it out of reach, do you suppose if I get NMF that it will go up?

I am so proud that I got in!