Northeastern University 2020 EA

Son was deferred. I am surprised. I am an alum.
GPA 4.0 uw, 4.79 w
ACT: 34
APS: Calc BC, Physics C, US History, Lang & Comp, Stats
New Jersey, competitive high school, top decile (they don’t rank)


It depends on if you want to attend NU or if you have other schools on your list you prefer. If you sincerely want to attend let the sting of the deferral wear off for a week or two then write a LOCI and be very genuine with why Northeastern is a fit for you. Put it through a couple drafts and keep it concise.
Best of luck!!

is it less competitive to get into NU in?

ACT: 35
GPA: 3.93 UW; 4.37 W
APs: Euro. Hist (4)., USH (5), Lang (5), calc AB/BC (5), more to come with Senior Year (Stats, Lit, Gov’t/Econ, Span)
EC’s: Varsity Swim, club Swim, Pres. Quiz Bowl, NHS (officer), various clubs, Soccer Ref (job)
Bay Area, California
FA: yes

Probably should get a LOCI together and send to the admission counselor (where do I find this person? On my applicant portal?..will have to look) Kinda bummed, sigh.

Decision: Accepted!!
Merit Scholarship: Dean’s Scholarship $16k renewable up to 64k
Major: Business Administration and Political Science
SAT: 1440 (didn’t submit)
ACT: 34 (35 reading, 35 grammar, 34 math, 32 science)
GPA: 3.93 unweighted, 4.2 weighted
APs: Sophomore year: AP European history (only one offered to sophs) 5
Junior year: AP Computer Science Principles (4) APUSH (5)
Senior Year Courseload: AP Calc AB, AP Chem, AP Comparative Government and econ, AP Spanish 5, AP Literature, my schools newspaper
Extra-curriculars: Founded an organization to get young women involved in business, newspaper opinion editor, intern on kamala harris campaign, feminism club president (10,11,12), Jewish Club, Cheerleading (9,10,11), Moot Court and Model UN, Equity council member
Summer activities: NYTimes journalism program, service trip to Ecuador
Awards: Local writing competiton, multiple statewide awards in CA for my opinion articles, national merit scholarship commended scholar
Essay: tied together my feminist and Jewish identities, how they intersect and the work I’ve done in both areas
from CA
Did you apply for FA: no

@dreamsontheway I got in!! 16k scholarship, but right now it’s still really out of reach, even though I absolutely LOVE northeastern. I’m gonna email about nmf tomorrow.
Oh and for everyone watching, some basic stuff:
white female, middle class, interested in humanities
4.6 weighted gpa (3.8 uw)
35 act
9 different APs, all 5s
Nevada, competitive public school

Accepted, dean’s scholarship, computer science
GPA: 3.7 UW, 4.1 W
SAT: 1500
12 APs
Captain of robotics team, 3 years of varsity cross-country, 2 cross country awards and a robotics award, National Latin Honors Society.
Maryland, private school, doesn’t rank.
I got a LOR from my comp sci teacher/robotics mentor who is known for really good recs, so I think that’s helped me a lot.
I showed a lot of interest and my admissions rep recognized me every time she saw me. I met her in April at a college fair, then I visited NU in June and she happened to be the admissions rep doing the information session and she recognized me, and then I met with her again in October when she visited my school. That probably helped a lot as well since I know NU cares about interest.

Some applicants prefer to start in NUin for a totally different way to begin college in a smaller group abroad and request it. They look for applicants that fit that, global experience or interest ect. So usually a more holistic approach to the application.

I am so happy for you (and me!)

I think the max NMF scholarship is 35K a year I read here … I think it was from @TomSrOfBoston who seems to know everything!

Yeah, out of reach for us too, even if we were to get max.

I am just really proud about getting in … a certain sense of accomplishment even if I may have to say no.

Decision: Accepted!! ( so excited I have always loved traveling)
SAT/ACT: 31 Act
GPA:4.0 unweighted 4.78 weighted
State/Country: PA
Major: Civil Engineering
Did you apply for FA?: Yes

I got $7500 from doing raise me, but not expecting to get anything else.

@PengsPhils and @TomSrOfBoston where/how do you submit a LOCI? Do you send to the department head of your intended major or to admissions? Or both?

Hey! I’m not sure why you got denied. I was deferred with lower SAT score. Maybe they think you didn’t show enough interest or that you wouldn’t fit in with the campus.

@dreamsontheway Me too! Whatever happens, I’m proud (but I’d still really love to go). And good job to you too!

Decision: Deferred :confused:
SAT/ACT: 1550 one sitting
GPA: 3.78 uw lol i know it sucks for the schools i applied to
State/Country: oregon
Major: human services and criminal justice
Did you apply for FA?: yes

idk i know that northeastern especially defers to check we’re genuinely still interested but it’s kinda made me lose a lot of hope especially since i love the school so much. congrats to everyone who got accepted though!

fellow deferrals, good luck <3

Decision: Accepted!! ( so excited I have always loved traveling)
SAT/ACT: 28 Act
GPA: (my school does this weirdly so my unweighted is 4.24 which is all A’s
No AP’s because my school doesn’t offer them and same with honors
Extra Curricular: lots of sports (basketball and cross country and softball), I do musical theater, I volunteer at two hospitals and I am the elementary and middle school director of a non-profit statewide student council of California. I am also a student advisor to the California Department of Education and the Senate and Assembly Committees on Education.
State/Country: California
Major: Biochemistry
I’m female and white
Did you apply for FA?: Yes, but I didn’t get any. I got a little RaiseMe scholarship though

Decision: Accepted with 14k/year merit award!
SAT: 1590 (ACT 36, but didn’t submit)
Math 2 subject test: 800
(Only recently realized that didn’t submit AP scores - parent error)
GPA: 3.75 UW in rigorous school
ECs: sports, music, internships
School: CAMD
State: WA
Male, white

Toured Northeastern last summer, met with professors from CAMD, wrote notes to them and tour guides. Happy to be in!

My son (white male)

Decision: Deferral
SAT/ACT: 1510
GPA: 3.79 UW; 4.2 or 4.3 W (not sure)
State/Country: WA
Major: computer science
Did you apply for FA?: yes (but not expecting any)
10 APs + college in the high school classes with local Univ of WA
Good to great ECs (Robotics 4 years - software lead; internship; teaching job; art docent at local museum…)
National Merit Commended

Interest: didn’t get to visit; attended session at his HS; emailed the AO once; signed up for email list and followed on social media.

He’s very interested in NU because of the coop program. Maybe his #1 choice – only tempered by high cost. He’s pretty practical about these things.

Looking at some of the high stat deferrals that definitely seem like yield protection: I don’t think that matches my son. Or at least his GPA isn’t that high. I guess we should feel lucky he got deferred… It is kind-of what I expected, but not what I hoped.

A couple of questions:

Where do you upload the letter of continued interest?
We’d planned to visit if he got in, but should we go sooner to demonstrate interest?

Decision: Accepted! (with Honors Program Scholarship 30k/year)
GPA: 4.58 W, 4.0 UW
9 APs, 5s on the 5 tests I’ve taken
ECs: Sports (2 yr captain), Mock Trial (President), Environmental + Community Service Clubs, 3 yrs of Leadership + Student Govt positions, started online literature-related website turned editing business in 7th grade
State/Country: California
Major: Political Science
White, female, toured Northeastern in November
Did you apply for FA?: Yes

Congrats to everyone admitted, and good luck to everyone deferred!! :slight_smile:

Also, how soon do folks think the LOCIs need to be submitted?

Congratulations!! So smart to show all that interest w/ your high stats. AP scores are self reported on the common app. You only send official AP scores once you are registered to attend, for credit.

@yrmomkb you email the letter to your assigned Northeastern AO. Some people copy the general or department admissions. Take your time w/ it & really make it impactful. Best to wait a week or two.