Northeastern University 2020 EA

Decision: Deferred
SAT/ACT: 1430 June 2018, 1510 December 2019 (submitted through portal after application)
GPA: 4.42 weighted, idk unweighted i think about a 3.8
APs: APUSH (5), AP Stats (5), AP Physics 1 (4), AP Lang (4)
Junior Courses: Those 4 APs, Calc 1/Precalc, Spanish 4 Honors, Chemistry Honors
Senior Courses: AP Psych (independent study), AP Calc AB, AP Gov, AP Lit, AP Physics C, Global Art and Design (semester), Senior Capstone project (semester), Health Science (semester/required), Culinary (semester/required)
Extracurriculars: Stage Manager since freshman year of school theater company (crazy time commitment) internship at community theater freshman year, Global Studies Club (itā€™s complicated), Young Democrats Club, School Newspaper, part time job, JV softball 3 years (not really my thing but gotta stay fit)
State/Country: MA (public school)
Demographics: White female from a rich area (Cape Cod gang)
Major: political science and criminal justice
Did you apply for FA?: yes (high EFC)
Thoughts: Definitely not the decision I was expecting or wanted, but itā€™s not in my top three. I think my personal statement and my grades were my strength, as well as my years of dedication to my big extracurricular (drama). That being said my lack of ECs related to my major definitely hurt me, but thereā€™s not much I couldā€™ve done about it given the commitments I already have. Iā€™m not sure if my deferral was just yield protection, or a soft rejection though. Thereā€™s a strong possibility it was just a soft rejection due to my lack of demonstrated interest? Iā€™m not sure. I toured last winter, but havenā€™t really demonstrated interest in any other way.

1400 SAT (740 math, 660 EBRW)
3.69 UW GPA (not sure what it is weighted)
6 IB subjects (3 SL, 3 HL) with a predicted score of 36/42
ECs: 3 internships, head of schoolā€™s Financial Literacy club, international service trip, volunteered with a stray dog rescue and a school for disabled children, some more ECs but theyā€™re not that important
Country: India
Extremely competitive school (among the top ten IB schools in the world) - literally everyone who applied EA to Northeastern from my school got accepted
Major: Business Administration - Management
Indian male
Didnā€™t apply for FA

@avavava congrats on your acceptance. Nmsf and nhsp typically donā€™t stack with other merit aid, just an FYI.

Accepted into the honors program!!
1560 SAT
4.3 W, 3.9 UW
7 APs total (Bio, Chem, Calc AB & BC, Lang, Lit, French)
EC: President of QSA, Captain of equestrian team, math tutor, in every school production, employee at local grocery store
Theatre major
White female from california
Super excited!

Son got admitted; International Student but US Citizen.
SAT 1510
Visited school in July 2019 and son is very excited to take admission here.
GPA - Not applicable; IB Predicted 38/42
No Scholarship or Financial Aid in the letterā€¦May have to pass this without FA.

Daughter was Accepted, but Fall is the international program, and then starting in Boston in Spring. I think this the NUin that people refer to?

How do people feel about NUin? She wasnā€™t expecting it, but Iā€™m ecstatic that she was accepted.

Her stats:

ACT: 30
GPA: 4.26
4 year varsity cheer (Captain)
Campus Ministry leadership role
School ambassador
Good ECs

This is a great school and Iā€™m so happy for her ā€“ would love to hear students thoughts on the NUin option?


Accepted from CA.
$16K/year award
Data Science and Biology
3.9 UW/4.2 W
34 ACT
760 MATH II/760 BIO
8 APs
ECs: Cross, track, mock trial, theater, paid summer bio research internship, summer camp counselor
FA: Yes
Asian male
NEU is a contender.

Congratulations to all accepted and crossing fingers for those deferred. This yield protection thing is real.

Can anyone please tell me where do you see the scholarship information? I do not see any in the page

SAT 1490 (700 Reading 790 Math)
GPA: 4.0 UW
APs: 5 (AP Chem, AP English, AP Euro, AP Calc, AP Environmental)
College Classes: English and Spanish (Donā€™t know the exact class numbers)


  • Search and Rescue (1 year)
  • Varsity Cross Country
  • Varsity Track
  • Coed Soccer (1 Year)
  • JV Lacrosse Captain (2 Years)
  • Leader if volunteer organization (invited to travel to San Francisco twice to improve training in my local area)
  • National Honor Society Member
  • 3 Choirs (2 in class, 1 led by students)
  • Peter Tutored Students after school.
  • Developed a small personal business (Makes roughly $20,000 - $25,000 per year)

Can anyone please tell me where do you see the scholarship information? I do not see any in the page

Congratulations to those accepted. Best of luck to the deferred.

Anyone knows percentages from ED1 and EA pools? How many spots are there left for ED2 and RD - half, more than half?
Also, how many of the ED1 and EA admitted?
Thank you.

Congratulations. Very solid bio. How seriously are you considering NU?

I meant yes, such a bummer for such a solid bio - sorry for the previous note. Keep it up, more schools than you think will look favorably. Best of luck!

So true! Thank you.

Congratulations! Great strategy.

@Bioed If you donā€™t see any scholarship or honors notices in your portal, you did not get them unfortunately.

There are two portals. One is the admission decision and other is the student login portal(instructions are given in admitted letter) with MFA enabled. Where do we see the scholarship or aid ?

Please advise

From CT

Decision: Deferred :confused:
SAT/ACT: 34 superscore / 32 one sitting
GPA: 3.91 weighted
State/Country: Connecticut, USA
Major: Biology at College of Science
Did you apply for FA?: No

Honestly not sure how to feel about thisā€¦ Showed interest by doing an information session, campus tour, and meeting with my rep when they visited my school. Time will tell I guessā€¦

Based upon previous years, they have admitted around 15,000 students. That leaves roughly 8,000-9,000 spots remaining.

Not the best numbers (1320, 3.75uw), but great EC and leadership:

4 year class President
4 year varsity Field Hockey and Crew, team Captain Senior year
Lots of relevant volunteer hours
12 year Violin performance
School internship in hospital ER

She showed a lot of interest and we visited and toured twice

What probably pushed her over the line is we are full pay and did not apply for FA