Northeastern University 2020 EA

@baystategirl my D got the Dean’s Scholarship last year and it was $12,000 per year. Her friend also did and it was $15,000 per year.


Earlier in the thread a counselor put NU’s stats this year. EA was up 9%. They received 63,900 applications this year. Another very competitive year at Northeastern.


Financial aid is not out yet, only merit. Hopefully you will get good aid. Congratulations!

Decision: Accepted into Honors Program
SAT: 1560
GPA: 4.41W
State: NH
Major: Biochemistry
Did you apply for FA: I think so?

Last night @piesquared, a counselor, posted this email he received from Northeastern:
"We received more than 34,000 applications for EA, representing an increase of 9% over last year. Today we are excited to be offering admission to many highly qualified students—approximately 5,500 to the fall and 1,600 through The Program.

As you may know, we also offered an Early Decision I Program (ED I), and those students received their decision notifications last month. We received almost 1,900 applications for ED I and offered fall admission to approximately 700 of the applicants, and admission to The Program to approximately 340. Over the coming weeks, we will be reviewing over 1,000 Early Decision II applications and 27,000 Regular Decision applications."

@GJT619 NUin is a very popular program at Northeastern! There are videos on YouTube you can watch. NUingreece, NUincanada, NUinLondon ect. All of the programs have different set ups. Some have a cafeteria, some kitchens, some city like London. The kids are grouped like 70 together and get very close. They all have different start and end dates, so when you see the locations announced in February, look for that. London often fills up first, although it is going to be the most when spending money is concerned. Some programs have a community service component. The kids have an orientation before in Boston and breaks for travel while there. When they return they typically get mixed into the housing w/ a roommate from NUin of their choice. They typically get good housing. They have a second orientation in Boston in January a few days before the other students return. NU will then offer another club/activity sign up as well. Best of luck!!

Deferred from Wisconsin

33 ACT
4.06/4.3 GPA

Does Northeastern want letters of continued interest for deferred students? If so, do those get sent to your specific admission counselor or the admissions board generally?

Merit scholarship letters are in the admission decision portal, immediately beneath the acceptance letter PDF.

Need based aid has not been released yet.

What is the document called with the scholarship info and where would I find it?

In the past need based grants have been announced with the admission decision if all documents were received by the priority deadline. Otherwise they would come out a few weeks later.

My son:

Decision: Deferred
SAT/ACT: 35 ACT (not superscored), 800 Math 2, 710 Chem
GPA: he goes to a tiny charter school that doesn’t do GPA/ranking/numerical assessment
State/Country: MA
Major: comp engineering/comp sci
Did you apply for FA?: no

ECs: founding member/lead programmer 4yrs robotics team, mentor several FLL teams, regular volunteer at variety of FIRST events, guitar, guide at science museum, photography with a couple awards, official IT support at school, TA for younger math/sci classes, a few other things.

We live close enough that we were able to visit twice to see both Khoury and College of Eng presentations and tours.

Given the posts here, the deferral is totally expected for him. He’s not a fan of urban campuses AT ALL (though Boston is absolutely FANTASTIC! for college students), but really liked some of NU’s unique programs esp. dual degrees. He already has a few accepts from other EA institutions that he really likes with good merit aid so not sure he’s going to put a ton of effort into turning this deferral into an accept.

Perhaps @TomSrOfBoston or @PengsPhils knows the answer to this question: is there a chance that one who is deferred could be offered admission in a few weeks if they express continued interest, or should they only wait for regular decisions to come out in March-April?

Decision: Accepted (with Honors Program Scholarship 30k/year)
GPA: 4.21 W
6 APs, 5s on the 3 tests I’ve taken
ECs: Sports (4yrs ), Mock Trial (2 yrs), started service club, food pantry volunteer, Chorus
State/Country: Ohio
Major: Cell and Molecular Bio
White, female, toured Northeastern in November
Did you apply for FA?: Yes

Decision: Deferred
GPA: 4.3 W
6 AP classes (5s on the 3 exams that I’ve taken so far) & all honors
ECs: placed nationally in competition for 2 clubs, lots of volunteer hours, 2 leadership positions, 2 part-time jobs
State/Country: MA
Major: nursing
Asian male, applied for FA

Found out yesterday at 6pm. I mean, I guess I expected a deferral but it still stings :(( Do you think maybe my ACT wasn’t high enough? Their average range is 33-35 though so idk

Also congrats to everyone who did get good news- your hard work paid off! For people in the same boat as me (deferral), should I write a LOCI to my admissions counselor? NEU is my #1 choice school; I showed some demonstrated interest before by attending a tour and watched a couple online webinars but I didn’t really do anything else. I guess my questions for now are:

  1. should I upload a LOCI to my application portal?
  2. when should I upload the LOCI? I'm worried that if I submit one too soon it'll seem like I didn't put enough thought into it.

Thanks everyone!

Does NEU typically give more or less than the EFC on the FAFSA? I am curious

@Miggyd77 I would say that the net price calculator would represent the most accurate estimate.

@EscharfVT In the past deferred students have had to wait for the RD decision round in March.

@Miggyd77 Northeastern is a CSS profile school so the FAFSA EFC is not really relevant. The NPC on Northeastern’s website would give a better estimate unless you have a complex family or financial situation.

@2020ma My NU student was deferred a couple of years ago from EA. He emailed his LOCI to his AO after several drafts 2 weeks later. She then instructed him to upload it to his portal. He focused on his updates and linking his love of certain NU programs to his EC’s. NU looks for fit, not just stats! They need kids who are self-starters, flexible and take full advantage of what NU offers. I see parents complaining on the NU Parents FB page and micromanaging their kids lives at NU and I think those kids are not happy b/c they are NOT a fit for NU. So hopefully NU is doing a better job of finding those right fits, because those kids and parents love it! There are endless opportunities to those that stay open. Best of luck!! Many deferred go on to acceptance. Other boards suggest copying the admissions email or department admissions rep. My son just did AO.