Northeastern University 2020 EA

I saw a few people ask about the chances of acceptance in RD for deferred candidates. Here are my two cents.

Going purely by the numbers posted by @piesquared (thank you @piesquared), the chance of acceptance in RD will probably be around 10%, if every one that is not accepted so far is deferred.

If we assume 10,000 EA applications were rejected outright, the chance of acceptance will still be around 12%, well below acceptance rate in EA.

If we assume 20,000 EA applications were rejected outright, the chance of acceptance rises to 15%, still below the EA acceptance rate.

I have shown my work below. Please feel free to correct if I messed up with any numbers.

   Received Accepted    NU.IN   Rejected    Deferred

EA 34,000 5,500 1,600 0 26,900
ED1 1,900 700 340 0 860
ED2 1,000 368 179 0 453

Deferred 28,213

RD applications 27,000

Pending Applications 5,5213

                                                    Boston  NU.IN   

Total Acceptance 12,000 4,000

Accepted(ED1, EA and ED2) 6,568 2,119

Remaining Acceptance 5,432 1,881

Chance of Admission 10% 3%

well, now I have the same chance of getting into northeastern as MIT. Awesome. At least I should find out around the same time.

I would take @tnknes figures with a rather large grain of salt.

I donā€™t see his rejection calculations in there so idk where the numbers are coming from, past years I suppose?

Son was deferred. 3.8UW/4.5W GPA, 1430 SAT. History major. NH resident.

Decision: Accepted with Honors Program (and merit 24k/year)
SAT: 1580(ACT 35)
SAT subjects: 800ā€™s Math 2 790 biology 740 physics
WGPA: 4.48 (9 APā€™S)
ECā€™s: clubs+community service
Major: CS
Did you apply need based FA: yes
Region: New Jersey

@mfmtb01 : I plugged the numbers in a spreadsheet and derived acceptance rates for remaining applications for various combinations of rejections (0,10K,20K etc) and got the numbers I posted

Like @TomSrOfBoston said, these numbers should be taken with a grain of salt. There are many variables we donā€™t know - how many total applications will be accepted this year? How many are deferred so far? How many will withdraw their applications? How does the applications from RD pool compare against applications from EA pool?

The purpose of my post was to show that, while many deferred applications will be accepted in RD, the overall probability is not great.

Decision: Accepted!
SAT: 790 Math; 750 English
GPA: 95.6 on 100pt weighted scale
State/Country: NY, USA
Major: Behavioral Neuroscience
Did you apply for FA: Yes, and I have some important info/advice that may help out some applicants in the future. Basically, I didnā€™t know IDOC existed until 3 days before the NU deadline (12/01/19). I had filled out the FAFSA and CSS profile, but didnā€™t submit any documentation. My parents are immigrants, so they didnā€™t really understand the whole process, so I had to navigate it alone. I really struggled to get everything in. I ended up sending everything in gradually over the course of December, and the last document didnā€™t actually go through until the third of January. I was super worried about receiving less financial aid because of this. Well, Iā€™m not sure if I was extremely lucky or if Northeastern is just extremely forgiving, but they gave me BANK. I received the Deanā€™s Scholarship worth $8,000 a semester and an NU grant worth $12,850 a semester, totaling around $168,000 over the course of your typical 8-semester college experience (keeping in mind that NU has Co-Ops, etc.). I am so so so grateful for how this entire process turned out. If you have any questions, please inquire.

Reformatted for readability. Please feel free to correct if I messed up with any numbers.

ED 1:
Received 1,900
Accepted(Boston) 700
Accepted ( 340

Received 34,900
Accepted(Boston) 5,500
Accepted ( 1,600

ED 2 (Proejction based on ED 1)
Received 1,000
Accepted(Boston) 368
Accepted ( 179

Accepted so far (ED1,EA,ED2 projection)
Boston 6,568 2,119

Remaining acceptances based on last year:
Boston 5,432 1,881

Remaining applications
Deferred 18,000 to 28,000
RD applications 27,000
Total Remaining 45,000 to 55,000

Probability of Acceptance for remaining applications:
Boston 10% to 12% 3% to 4%

Decision: Accepted with Deanā€™s Scholarship
SAT/ACT: 34 (only took once), No SAT subject tests
GPA: 4.0 UW, 10 APs total, 5 senior year
State/Country: CA, US
Major: Health Science and Business Administration
Did you apply for FA?: YES

I got into NU in but what does that mean for wanting to join a club sport that has tryouts in September, would I have to wait until sophomore year?


Congratulations NUin is a great program! In January when NUin students join the Boston campus they have another club/sign up fair. Frats & Sororities accept new members, clubs, intramurals ect. I know club LaCrosse & tennis you can still tryout/join. What club sport are you thinking? Because of NUin & Co-ops things on campus tend to be flexible. It is up to the NUin students to jump on in when they get to campus. They will have their base of NUin friends then new clubs can help them extend that!

Itā€™s dance team Iā€™m trying to do

Decision: Deferred
SAT/ACT: 32 one sitting
GPA: 4.0 UW
State/Country: Minnesota
Major: International Business: Chinese
Did you apply for FA?: Yes

9 APs, AP Scholar w Distinction, Student Council Secretary, NHS, board member of non-profit, member of many other clubs, work 16hrs/week all through high school, election judge, and more extracurriculars

I would look up the specific NU dance club and reach out to their advisor or captains to ask! Or you can always email your AO if you have trouble finding that information.
It would be a great way to meet people on campus in January.

Also it could be interesting to take a dance class while attending NUin. So if you end up in NUinLondon for example, finding some type of dance studio nearby and signing up for a class once you know your schedule.

Decision: Accepted to NU in
SAT/ACT: 1430
GPA: 3.6 (weak freshman year) 11 APā€™s, 5 AICE, 4 Dual Enrollment classes
State/Country: FL
Major: Business - Finance
Did you apply for FA?: Yes but didnā€™t submit IDOC yet so no update so far on financial aid

I got in Honors!!

Decision: Accepted
SAT/ACT: 1590 (800M/790ERW)
GPA: 4.0 or a 95.69 on a 100 pt scale
State/Country: New York
Major: Criminal Justice and Psychology
Did you apply for FA?: Yes

Does anybody know if deferred EA applicants have a leg up against RD applicants?

My daughter was accepted for NUin. When will need based financial aid be announced? I thought it was supposed to posted with the acceptance offer. Or has only merit based be posted?

Well those numbers are certainly depressing for those who were deferred