Northeastern University 2020 EA

@tessloven In February they will announce the locations for 2020-2021. You need to pick a location based on major and all the programs have different dates and set ups, so look at those too. My son was deferred and accepted into RD, so he signed up whenever that was released in the spring and he still received his first choice location. Once they release the locations in February you can call the NUin office and see if the location you want tends to fill up quickly. Some of that will be dependent on what majors accept admission. Check out those videos on youtube. What is your major?

My major is environmental studies

@2022soon do you recall the locations that were offered last year? I think I read somewhere that they are going down to only two locations this year.

@greatcollegefit They are not going down to 2 locations. Here is a recent yearrs on the Wayback Machine:

@TomSrOfBoston Thank you so much. This is a great resource. I have tried looking at past NUin programs on the NU website, but they have been closed.


My guess is they mean two locations per major. There will be many other locations total. Honestly two is plenty to choose from. My son had a hard time picking. He did London and loved it. He considered Greece.
Once they announce locations I will definitely watch this board in case you have questions and if you want my older son’s cell I can pass that on for questions. He has lots of NUin friends from different locations as well. Here were past locations that I recall:

Czech Republic

Check out the YouTube videos online (just search NUinlondon. ect)
Also follow TheNUinprogram on Instagram for photos of previous trips. It’s a great program for the right kid!!
London will be the most expensive in terms of spending money I think. My son was pretty good keeping that in check. There were some International students in the program that he thought were super interesting to meet. It was eye opening as he had never been around kids with so much wealth, but they were nice and generous with him. Then lots of typical kids, a real mix. The entire experience was life changing.

@2022soon Thank you for the info. My D is very independent, but can be a bit reserved until feeling more comfortable with new people. I am hoping the NUin program will be a good fit for her, as I hear how life changing it can be, even for those that may be a little more quiet at first. She has several good options, but NU is at or near the top of her list. If it was NU Boston, I think it would be a no brainer for her. She will be seeking a dual degree, with one of them being studio art. I imagine Italy would be a fantastic location for this, but we will wait anxiously for the February announcement of locations.


Italy would be so great for her!! When my older son was accepted NUin a college counselor put us in touch w/ a gal that attended NUin the year before. She was a reserved soft spoken girl. While she did NUin very differently than my son she really loved her time there. She spent a lot of time in museums and relaxing back in the housing w/ a friend. I recall her saying the transition to Boston in January took effort for her to put herself out there, but through clubs she made more friends and was really glad she started abroad. It’s the independence and adaptability that are the most important. In some ways starting abroad with 80 or so students in a tight knit group is easier than starting in Boston. You enter Boston with close friends. Good luck to your daughter.

I love that she will be an Art major. Very cool. I was just looking through NU’s DOC’s (Dialogues of Civilization) and noticed some very cool art ones. My son is hoping to get in one more International experience before he graduates.


Also do not hesitate to reach out to the NUin office directly. We found them to be extremely helpful and honest. They may even know details about her major location selections already. I bet they could also pair your daughter up with a female student who did NUin for questions.

When will the ED2 thread be created?

@yellowlab64 It already exists.

can we make a deferred EA thread… im depressed.

My son got accepted into Khoury School- BS in CS and Business. I was hoping to get insights into co-ops, job placements and overall learning environment at NEU. Any insights are appreciated! We are still waiting for UC results.

do program students get any scholarships or would that be released for the spring semester?

Decision: Accepted to Nuin program!
SAT/ACT: 1370
GPA: 3.6
State/Country: Texas
Major: English

My son is a business major and has his first Co-op in downtown Boston now (he’s a sophomore). He got the first job he interviewed for, is being paid $35. hour and there are a handful of other NU students working there as well. They take the T there, no car. Nice break from classes for him & tuition for us and he loves it! He is planning to do 3 Co-ops over 5 years.

I would definitely take advantage of any digital events NU offers. Have your student keep an eye out on emails for those to learn about classes ect… Very helpful.

What do you think your strong points were in your application? Thank you very, very much!

Decision: Accepted!
SAT/ACT: 35 (35, 35, 36, 32)
GPA: un 3.8
State/Country: MA
Major: Computer Science & Game Development
Did you apply for FA?: Nope

Does anyone know if Northeastern posted the stats for Early Action? Such as acceptance rate, average SAT, etc?