Northeastern University 2020 EA


Northeastern does 4 x 4 credit classes per semester while many schools do 5 x 3 credit, so 16 credits is normal for Northeastern while 12 for other schools gives room for 4 class semesters. The 3.0 part I think is pretty standard for merit scholarships around Northeastern’s caliber.

@5Dis I would love to hear your thoughts on both schools, as my D has been accepted to both. I would PM you, but it looks like I need to have 15 posts before I can PM anybody

@PengsPhils thanks daughter checked and the engineering program does shows around 17 - 21 credits.

@TomSrOfBoston that’s what we thought, her award is for $15K first year, then $7,500 per semester during upper class years. So what happens sophomore year? Co-ops? I think the $30K was meant as a total amount of the Hispanic scholarship.


Your son thought NU was too white?! Interesting because my son who attends says NU’s diversity is one of his favorite things. Also, curious since you said you worked in admissions what all you considered “contacts”.
I really do not think NU would hold your son’s HS against him. I would have your son write a really genuine LOCI about what specifically he loves about NU and any updates plus what he will bring to the community.

@ildro The $30,000 NHRP scholarship would be annual… $30k first year then $15k per semester after for non-coop semesters. It does seem like most NHRPs so far posted were given the full $30k this year so far, but not everyone got that last year and is not an automatic amount as per their webpage. I’d be in touch with FA as soon as possible to discuss with them. Merit does not stack however but it can stack with other need based aid. Good luck!

When we went to the info session, they said the school was 4% black. His guidance counselor told him that, unfortunately, is about average for schools of that caliber, but that she thought it would be a good fit for him. The other schools he is considering have much higher percentages of people of color.

Thanks. We are trying to convince him to write the letter, but we’ll see. He said that he paid $75 for an application, so of course he is interested! (He is rather stubborn.)

My son status : Deferred

I think was for a little bit of lack of demonstrated interest, but we were panning on visiting ignore he was accepted. Is really difficult to do it all.

SAT 1450
GPA weighted 5.1
8 AP’s

  • 300 service hours
    National Hispanic Scholar
    Extra Curricular : Soccer, Math Honor Society, Science Honor Society, National Honor Society, History Honor Society, School Ambassador, President of the STEM Club, French Club member, HOBY ambassador, fully bilingual.

We sent the FAFSA but since it was too high we didn’t send any more documents for FA. We did the net calculator and we are only looking for merit, expecting something around the $30000. I guess is getting more difficult with this decision.

@UNYMom I see, he really means not representing the black community well. I can definitely see that and unfortunately saw that at similar schools like you said as well. It is very diverse in terms of other areas with a big International crowd and other nationalities represented on campus as well.

He deserves to be mad for a while from the deferment, then write the letter when he is ready. It took my son a couple of weeks for sure.

Good luck!!

@ildro I would call Northeastern for clarification of the NHRP scholarship.

so do you think that if we don’t write a letter of continued interest for deferrals that we should just expect a rejection in regular decision? how much do those come into consideration

@user1130 no one really knows, but Northeastern has operated like this with deferrals for some time, and LOCI’s have only risen in commonality recently. Not writing one is not an automatic rejection by any means. It’s also unknown case by case if the deferral was because of interest or if someone was on the line of being admitted or not.

In the end a LOCI can’t hurt and potentially makes you stand out among other deferred applicants. Beyond that it’s really unknown how much it matters.

Does anyone know if a merit appeal is possible or has had any luck doing so?

Decision: Deferred

GPA: 3.95 UW, 4.37 W
SAT: 1560 superscored (760 R/W, 800 M), 770 Bio-E SAT II, 780 Math 2 SAT II
AP: 8 AP courses (by the end of snr yr)
Extracurriculars: Head coordinator for volunteer program for students with autism, journalism internship, Interact VP, GSA treasurer & VP, Launch X, summer volunteering in Beijing, sports & entertainment editor for student newspaper, dance team & Chinese traditional dance outside of school, piano
Awards: Presidential Volunteer Award, many dance awards, CM Level 10 for piano, Scholar of Distinction

Major: Psychology
State: CA
High School: Public
Financial Aid: Yes

Why I think I was deferred: I only took 2 AP classes my junior year (I did take many honors though), My high school location, I applied for financial aid, lack of leadership extracurriculars and academic awards, my major didn’t really match the journalism aspect of my ECs


My D is currently 2nd year at NEU. I am a parent and i follow the NEU parent page on FB. I very recently read a number of parents stating their kids were originally deferred and then offered aid w very decent packages. So i would not get discouraged. If it means anything, my D had 4.17 GPA Weighted and 1400 SAT; tons of extracurriculars, and she was on the low side of stats. She is currently biochem major and loves it. She checked the box for NUin program and i truly feel that helped her admission. NEU needs to rotate kids around. Having a student willing to do that helps. She applied regular decision, and her admission was contingent on first semester freshman going abroad. It was a very positive experience for her (other than getting mono!). Good luck!

has anyone in california gotten their acceptance packages yet??

@jjwang I am thinking you got deferred because they think you may think of Northeastern as a safety. Those are very good stats for Northeastern, and I have read that they tend to put people like you into the regular applicant pool with the hopes that you will decide to pull your application and go somewhere else before decisions go out. That makes their matriculation stats look better.

I am a current first year student at Northeastern (BSBA Finance), if anyone has specific questions about anything whether that is general life on campus, academics, NUin questions, or anything relating to the University in general I’d be glad to help. The college admissions process sucks for sure, and with NEU’s ranks rising it really can be frustrating because a lot of really qualified people are left deferred/denied. Let me know if I can help and good luck to everyone!

I got deferred EA. I’m planning on writing a LOCI, but don’t know where to submit it. Should I upload it to the portal or directly email my AO? Thanks!