Northeastern University 2020 EA

Hey all I emailed my admissions counselor about 1 month ago and then followed up with another one a week ago however I have yet to receive a response. What should I do?

@ocmomwith3 Medical schools do not accept premed courses taken outside of the US and Canada.

@Dobberr515 Did you email her with a question or send a LOCI?

This was a question about my admission. I have already been admitted

Scrolled through the replies. Were there any Theatre Majors Accepted EA?

Decision: Deferred
GPA: 4.26 GPA (weighted)
State/Country: CA
Major: Theatre
Did you apply for FA?: Yes

Visited the campus twice, not sure how much more interest could have been shown.

Yes, in student status portal page is where you can submit LOCI.

Anyone know anything abt the NU In program in Dublin?

Decision: Accepted to School of Art and Science
SAT/ACT: 1450
GPA: 41/45 IBDP
State/Country: China(PRC)
Major: Economics/Sociology
Did you apply for FA?:No

NEU was my first offer and I am so happy!

do you think it would be more effective to send a LOCI to your admissions counselor or upload on the portal, or would it matter

does anyone know when rd decisions come out?

@blackcat2 Mid-March

My daughter got accepted to Khoury college of computer science, honor program. She got scholarship money of 12000/per term, 96000 for four years.So, out of pocket , the COA we need to pay will be 48000 per year. Our EFC is more than we can realistically afford. Which we can not really able to pay. But, Northeastern university is her first choice. She got accepted to in state college with full ride.
So, is there any way we can get more aid or student loan from the university. Is it really worth spending 200K for her college choice.
We can able to pay maximum 30000 per year . Is it worth taking student loan on her
for the rest of money.
I really appreciate your guidance/feed back ā€¦Thank you.

Iā€™m looking for feedback from knowledgeable students or parents about the N.U.In Italy program. How many students go to Italy each year? How does it differ from the other Business/CAMD locations (England, Univ. of Sydney) offered by N.U.In?

@Nitmom This is the tough conversation that lots of parents are having with their kids this time of year. Are you saying that she has a full ride to Rutgers or is it another in-state college? Looking at your prior posts, her stats are excellent and I am sure she will have other lucrative offers too. I would not make a decision until I had heard from all schools and seen their scholarship/financial aid packages. Northeastern is an amazing school, so I certainly understand her attraction, but if choosing between free tuition at Rutgers and 200k at Northeastern, it would be hard to convince me that a full ride wasnā€™t the better option. Whatever she chooses, sheā€™ll do great. Congrats to her and you.

@ advpar Thank you for the reply. She got full ride To NJIT, has been admitted to UMD honor college and admitted to Rutgers. As you said we will wait until hear from others colleges and financial aid. But, right now she inclines towards NU. Hopefully she will land in one good college soon.


Hiā€¦ I applied EA to NU. I donā€™t remember if I applied for NU in or not. I am an international student and looking for a lot of financial aid. I know NU doesnā€™t provide need based financial aid to international students but I loved NU and was hoping to apply since last year.
I applied to NU without looking into their financial aid. And while filling the family contribution part in the portal I realized that they provide no need aid. In the low contribution cause part I wrote that I didnā€™t look into the financial aid part and it was my mistake.
I was sure to get rejected. Not that I got accepted but I got deffered.
I am wondering why would they even consider me for RD if i can never possibly pay for NU. I was really happy even to get deffered.
But why didnā€™t they reject me?? Can please someone enlighten me, this question is annoying me for days?

@paniparyo - In the United States, it can certainly help your admission if you can pay, but, honestly, schools really donā€™t care that much. They will accept people hoping that you will take out massive loans to pay the tuition. It is part of the reason why there is a student loan debt crisis in the United States.

Originally, I had my major as undeclared and was deferred ea, but then I just changed it to something else that isnā€™t necessarily that apparent in my ecs. Should I write a little thing about why I want to major in what I changed it to or not? And if so, should I upload it under essays or miscellaneous?

Has anyone received their hard copy acceptance in the mail yet?

@greatcollegefit Daughter received hers last week. EA. We are in Texas.