Northeastern University 2020 EA

I was a little taken back also when my daughter was deferred. Her SAT are 1460, GPA 4.9, and so far valedictorian for graduation class of 900+ students. She is taking IB classes in biology, Chinese, ELA, History and AP for calculus.

Does anyone know how to submit the letter of continued interest? Do you do it physically or online

@KcParent Your questions are pretty specific on NUin Italy, so program specific like that I would ask the NUin office. (617) 373-6447. I would also watch the NUinitaly videos on YouTube. A parent can ask or use the search bar to look through old answers in the parents Northeastern Facebook page. They give great advice on NUin and very specific program advice.

@tessloven Iā€™ve heard good things about Dublin from parents last year. When choosing locations look through meal options, living situations ect.

@mfmtb01 I would email it to your assigned NU Admissions Officer.

@2022soon thank you, I called admissions and they said to upload it on my portal, but ā€œletter of continued interestā€ is not one of the upload categories, so maybe an email would be better.

@mfmtb01 in 2018 my son sent his LOCI to his NU AO and she was really nice and told him where to upload it on the portal. I just thought it was a good touch point w/ his AO. It was his first choice school, so he really worked hard on writing about why he & NU were a great match. He was admitted in the spring that year and absolutely loves it. Perfect fit for him. Heā€™s out on Co-op now. Good luck!!

Did anyone who was admitted NUin get an actual hard copy acceptance in the mail?

Not a letter, but we did get a welcome to NUin brochure type mailing. Everything else has been via email.

@JLDmomof2 We received the same thing. Were hoping to receive a more substantial acceptance letter in the mail and not simply a brochure. Are NUin students not considered an actual NU student until the spring?

Does anyone know if NUin students attend Convocation in the Fall?

@Xavier_Dredo There is a separate orientation for NU In students in June:
There is also an orientation at the international location and a third in January upon returning to Boston.

@greatcollegefit my understanding is they are students from the start, same as the rest of their classā€¦just starting differently. And, their grades for the NUin classes wonā€™t count towards their gpa, but the credits do. Looking at the courses, they definitely seem to align with their NUpath and major requirements.

Did anyone else get the candy hearts from Northeastern? I thought it was a really nice and cute touch: my first Valentine in quite a few years. :slight_smile:

yes! so cute! Nice surprise.

I got the hearts as well! Made my day!

@FlyTheW , well no, chocolate? I wonder to whom they send it?

My kid was ā€œcomplainingā€ at dinner about this. Her friend from PA got candy, but sheā€™s a west coast girl and no luckā€¦ (maybe it geographic?)

Did get a letter from the Pres., but it was not all that tasty.

Just received ours in TX yesterday, so patience is a virtue.

Daughter received hers yesterday as well. Also in Texas.

Now sheā€™s gonna be really mad if it doesnā€™t come! lol.