Northeastern University 2020 EA

Once you becomes a NM finalist, you need to information NM corporation to designate Northeastern as your college of the choice by certain dates.

Financial Aid office reached out for additional document. I think the decision should come out in a week or two. I would expect they reached out last week if the decision will come out this week.

Students who are admitted to Northeastern and are recognized as National Merit Finalists* or National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholars** will receive a competitive merit-based award, and may also be eligible for financial aid.

Northeastern National Scholarships replace any Dean’s, Connections, Honors, Sophomore Achievement, International Scholars, or other merit awards and may result in a change to previously awarded Northeastern University Grant funds.

*National Merit Finalist Deadline:
In order to be eligible for these Northeastern scholarships, National Merit Finalists must be admitted to Northeastern and should designate Northeastern University as their college choice to the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). In order to receive an updated scholarship prior to May 1, 2020, students must designate Northeastern as their college choice by the priority deadline of Thursday, April 2, 2020. Finalists who list Northeastern after the priority deadline are eligible for the scholarship, but are not guaranteed to receive it prior to May 1, 2020.

**National Hispanic Recognition Program (NHRP) Scholarship recipients must submit NHRP Scholar documentation to Admissions by email ( or by uploading the documentation through the Application Status Check by April 2, 2020. In order to receive an updated scholarship prior to May 1, 2020, Scholars must submit their documentation by the priority deadline of Thursday, April 2, 2020. Scholars who submit documentation after the priority deadline are eligible for the scholarship, but are not guaranteed to receive it prior to May 1, 2020.

@djbrainiac66 U-32 outside of Montpelier. What about you?

The portal updated this morning with the status of all the financial aid documents.

do you think that means something?

Do other schools use waitlist/deferral to weed out candidates who may not matriculate, i.e. “too good to want to enroll?” I’ve heard this a lot about Northeastern but haven’t for other schools. And it seems NEU defers a lot of applicants.

@EscharfVT South Burlington. Anyways, good luck!

@djbrainiac66 Thanks, you too!

@esdoc There is nothing official but it is suspected that some applicants with tip top stats who have shown no interest will be deferred EA or waitlisted RD. It is suspected that such students are using Northeastern as a safety. It is quite common at many universities. Some call it Tufts Syndrome.

In the past several students who were deferred EA have posted here “…but Northeastern was my safety school, why did they defer me.” They asked and answered the question in the same sentence.

if I haven’t shown any demonstrated interest but I have a 34 ACT am I at risk of a deferral or no? or are u just talking about people who have like 36s and 1600s?

Northeastern cares about demonstrated interest. Good luck to all!

I’m halfway expecting my EA son (applying for CS) to get deferred, since he is one of those high stats kids. BUT it is actually one of his top choices. We did visit and if he gets deferred, we will likely go back. Getting anxious for decisions! I would love for it to be today!

Thank you. What are the things that “show interest”…visiting campus in person? Talking with them at college fairs?

Yes. For instance my older was deferred at UMich Engineering. They called the school the next day to express strong interest and were official offered acceptance within a week or two. It’s only anecdotal but I’ve heard similar from a number of students for a variety of schools.

Northeastern had an University Scholars program to attract the top students. They have stopped that program. I guess they start looking into demonstrated interest after they stopped the program.

@esdoc - Emailing your Admissions Counselor to ask questions that demonstrate you know the school. Some schools track if you follow their social media or how often and how long you are on the website.

@dreambig55 and others.

If deferred send a LOCI (Letter of Continued Interest) that is specific to what Northeastern offers.

Yep, thank you! He will definitely plan to do this too.

I’m confused because when the admissions rep came to my school he said that the admissions comitee has no way to track demonstrated interest unless someone applies ED (he said this when someone asked how they can show interest)