Northeastern University 2020 EA

Anyone get a recent email saying that EA notifications would be out by Feb. 1, and if you’ve decided to enroll at a different school to please withdraw your application from consideration? I thought there were some posts here from people claiming to have received such an email. Can anyone verify?

Yea I got that email too

Here from Okinawa Japan. I hope we can all enjoy a happy decision letter ? ?

My daughter did not get that email.

I received that email on January 10th.

No email for my son. Hope that’s not a bad sign.

We got the email on Jan 10th too.

My son got an email about withdrawing his application if he had committed. SAT 1520 (740V/780M), SAT II 710 Lit, 740 Physics, 800 Math II. 4.1W at a nationally known STEM magnet HS. Good ECs. Science major, PhD track.

Honestly, I expect him to be deferred. He has zero demonstrated interest and put in an application at 11pm on 11/1. So, he will almost certainly be yield protected. I would be shocked if he was outright admitted. I really hate the College hurry up and wait game.

If your kid is like mine with email, he might have gotten the email and not read it, deleted it since he wasn’t withdrawing, etc.

I received the email on 1/10 about withdrawing my application if I decided not to attend.

Yeah I got that email too about a week ago or so

He might have deleted it but not sure. He has a 35 ACT, but a 3.98w gpa which is on the low side. Good EC, 7AP, lots of challenging classes. I guess we will see when we see. ???

I got the email on Jan. 10 as well.

I also received said email on Jan 10.

I don’t see anything about a similar email on last year’s thread. Something new?

I also got that email January 10th. Hopefully it means good news but I doubt it. Guess we’ll just have to wait until Wednesday!!

is it confirmed that only some people received the email?

That email is just a way of thinning the applicant pool of people who have committed elsewhere through ED.

@TomSrOfBoston So do you not think everyone will get one? Meaning some kids might get in but not get that email?

I know it’s hard to tell, and only time will give answers. I know my son will excel wherever he ends up. He has some great choices already and hopefully will hear great news from other schools to come. But for him NEU was the only school that had zero cons. I would love to see it happen for him.

@mtemmd I think everyone got one. Some people may have deleted it without reading it or it may have gone into their junk mail folder.

Thanks. Will hope he accidentally deleted.