Northeastern University 2020 EA

The key to driving in Boston is…first nose in and never make eye contact! All kidding aside, it’s not awful once you get used to your “route.” I went to BU for grad school and I got used to my commute. My son is next door to Northeastern at Wentworth and daughter will be at NEU next year. Wentworth has a lot on Parker Street that always seems open.

My daughter received both the brown envelope and the invite to Preview Day. Fingers crossed for decision day…

We stayed in Brookline and took the T on our visit. We didn’t rent a car, so that wasn’t really an option, but I figure that most students take the T while they live there, so it was an authentic experience for my son. I went to BU for grad school and never had a car while I lived in Boston. It’s really not necessary…unless you live close enough to go home on the weekends, of course!

first time on this website but why are all you parents so involved?

@lilatex999 hahahaa you will find that posters on cc are either 1) parents that care more about their kids getting into college than their kids do or 2) applicants that can’t stop stressing about decision days even when they are months away

I was wondering the same thing haha

Does anyone know what ACT score would be right on the Low end border of average

According to Naviance: for middle 50% of accepted students, ACT combined (superscore?): Low 32, High 34

Get back to us when you’re ready to invest $300,000 in a 17 year old :smile:

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do we think it could be today?

Could be, but my money’s on tomorrow.

Let’s just remember that it’s your child’s decision, and maybe think about how your microplanning could stress them out

My daughter got that as well… and incompletely forgot about it.

Sending all the best luck to everyone. I strongly believe they end up where they should be…

I love your response @keepmecruisin

And to add to it…

We are actually behind the scenes… while our students are seeking support from their friends throughout this process… it can be a very difficult time as a parent/support person because let’s be honest-discussing all of this with the parents of the kids in our communities can be off limits due to competition, hurt feelings etc.

This is a space where questions can be asked freely to a larger group without the consequences of doing so in a local, familiar group.

So while it may seem overbearing or too much to a non-parent… I think it’s so much better than asking these questions and venting in front of or to your child/students. The majority of stuff I read here is for my knowledge… never to be shared. I use it to guide our process.

There is SO much info regarding the logistics of this process that it’s almost impossible to do it without seeking it out in forums like this.

So to all the parents out there… Hang in there!

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@emma452 @TomSrOfBoston interesting, this comment jogged my memory - My D received these 2 things (big envelope of impressive marketing materials and the invitation to NEU Preview Day). Didn’t it also mention that they would pay a portion of travel to go to Preview Day? This was in the last admissions cycle. She was admitted and is currently attending.

@ccgirl296 - agree - my daughter has been very self-sufficient throughout this process, but it’s stressful for all of us, and I have found some very useful information here.

Hey everyone! I’m anxiously awaiting my decision but I have a few concerns. I did visit Northeastern, but I had to go on a day where a tour wasn’t offered and my family can’t really take me back whenever they please because of their jobs. However, I converse with my admissions counselor a lot over email and I had an interview with her when she came to my school. Do you think they’ll think I showed interest? My gpa, academic rigor, extracurriculars, essay, and letters of recommendation are all strong, but my SAT score is not because of my testing anxiety. Is it still possibly I’m admitted with a 1320 SAT? 3.95 unweighted 4.2 weighted GPA, 7 AP classes, and two paid jobs. Somebody help! Haha

don’t think mine said this but maybe others ? or last year? I live in NJ so travel isn’t that far

Question for those whose daughters/sons received the big brown special delivery envelope: was that before applications were submitted? Sounded like the material inside was to urge your daughters/sons to apply.

I truly wouldn’t read anything into who got what mail. My son got these, as well. But it means nothing. Colleges are desperately trying to get their application volumes up as high as possible as the lower the acceptance rate, the higher they move on the US News ratings - really! More apps make them look better. Mailings could be based on anything - info from College Board, data on households with the right age kids, a state they want more representation…nothing more and nothing less. All schools do this and there’s no rhyme or reason as to who gets what.