Northeastern University 2020 EA

I just wanted to clarify if it was sent 1) before application, which would make sense in terms of attracting potential applicants, up the volume, etc. that you mention, or 2) if it was sent after application, when they would target certain applicants after having reviewed their materials and does obviously indicate a certain degree of interest on their part toward those specific applicants.

@esdoc i submitted my app 10/23 and got the preview day early october and the brown envelope 10/26 (they probably just hadn’t processed my app yet bc the stuff inside said “apply now!”)

Perhaps - but he continues to gets mail from schools to which he’s already applied several weeks ago. Many of them…plus schools to which he’ll never apply. Either one of us could be right, but I would hate to increase hope based on mail. Good luck to everyone - mail or not!

Got it: thanks for the details!

So it seems the Northeastern brown envelope was to convince folks to apply, before they had access to GPAs, test scores, etc. I wonder how did they know about you/your kids? Cold calling, contact at college fairs, your online inquiries, having done prior summer stuff/internships?

@wkknc5 USNews no longer uses Acceptance Rate in its ranking. Even when they did it was weighted a mere 2.5%.

If I remember from past year posts NU offered to pay $200 toward travel cost. Those selected for the Torch Scholars interview got all travel costs paid.

It’s 4:04 and no tweet re: New England, so I’m thinking today is not the day :frowning:

If it’s coming out early I’m assuming it will be tomorrow. If it’s not tomorrow then Feb 1 is probably the date. The only reason I’m skeptical about it being tomorrow is that in the past the admissions office has had a week in between Thanksgiving break and when ED1 comes out, which is why ED1 historically has come out Dec 5ish (at least from the years I’ve looked into), but this year ED1 came out on Dec 11, so I don’t know if we’ll get the decisions early. But also this is me reading into every little detail as I anxiously await my decision lol. Who’s to say?!!

I called them a while ago and they said it would be before feb 1

Hey everyone-
My friend recently received an email from an Admissions counselor saying something along the lines of “We have reviewed your application and would like you to submit a paragraph or two on why Northeastern is specifically the school for you” Is this a good sign? His stats are below average, but I’d appreciate if I could get some other opinions on this

I think we may actually see an admissions release tomorrow. It seems as if their admissions portal is down, presumably because they are uploading decisions right now.

Huh. I just tried to get into my kid’s admission portal and had no problem. But maybe they are uploading on a rolling basis?

It is, of course, if not a “good” sign certainly not a “bad” sign. No admissions department takes time in the middle of admissions season to ask for additional info from an applicant if they are not giving them strong consideration. They won’t waste their time reading more if they don’t think the additional info, if compelling, would allow them to admit the student.

Tell your friend to be as honest, specific, enthusiastic and accurate as possible. From what I have seen in my limited exposure to NEU admissions, they are “fit aware” and seem to take students whose application suggests they are prepared for and compatible with the co-op style of education that requires a certain amount of self-advocacy and motivation.

@Friesland Thanks for your in depth response. He already replied back a couple weeks ago and I hope he did exactly what you described. His older brother goes to UPenn so he made sure all the grammar and wording was correct. Wishing the best for him, but hopefully his low stats are not his downfall

@baseball15678 It is a good sign if he knocked it out of the park. Unusual for an AO to reach out like that-but I like it. She saw something in him or she would have marked deny and moved on. I agree, fit at Northeastern is very important. The school offers tremendous opportunities with their unique Co-op program, their DOC’s and other specialized study abroad options and their academic programs. It is a place where you have to stay flexible though. Good luck to your friend!

I do too! I don’t think it means anything but I need some confidence.

really really hope it is tomorrow, I can’t wait any longer

Just because we’re on here doesn’t mean that we’re talking to our kids about it.

This is the first time anyone has posted a request like this from Northeastern.

I’ve noticed that too which makes it even more interesting. It was sent from Stefanie Kane and had a email so it has to be legit right? The email exactly says “Thank you for your application to Northeastern! We have reviewed you application, and would like you to provide a statement on why Northeastern is specifically the school for you. You can do so by uploading to your Application Status Check Account or by emailing it to me.”

He has a really good common app essay and alright GPA and ECs, but only a 1280 SAT which is why I was surprised he got it in the first place, he is well below the 25th percentile