Northeastern University 2021 EA

For Future Students:

Decision: Accepted w Merit
SAT/ACT: 1480 (They also got my 1360)
AP: Bio 4, Lang 4, Psych 5
GPA: 96.6 W/100
State/Country: NY
Major: International Business
Did you apply for FA?: Yes
I contacted the office after my application was in to update about my transcript because I left something out. I also sent an extended resume and went to virtual events which is why I believe I was accepted. Good Luck 2022!

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No, mine was in a separate section with a scholarship PDF

Where is this?

For future students
Decision: EA Accepted NUIn
ACT: 30
GPA: 3.5 UW (honors and 4 AP classes)
State: NJ
Major: International Business & International Affairs
Request FA? No
Merit money? None

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My daughter received both. The combined total of the scholarship and university grant puts her net cost at the same as the NPC calculator. If your NPC is $45k and you received the $30k as a scholarship you probably won’t get additional grant.

The fin aid letter lists both scholarship and grant amounts and deducts both from $75k to tell you your net cost.

Hello, how do you know if you got a scholarship?

under “download decision domcuments” there is “decision letter,” “financial aid,” and “scholarship”

so it would be under scholarship

Ahhh okay. Sadly I do not have that haha. Thank you

Send it to her admissions rep. I did it last year. Deferred then accepted. Good luck.

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Mine says created as well. I have not done anything

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Decision: Deferred
SAT/ACT: Test Optional since all 6 tests were cancelled
GPA: 4.0 UW
Rank: 10/306
State: PA
Major: Environmental Engineering

Hey everyone! My twin brother got deferred and I’ve heard a lot about letters of continued interest. What should be in the letter to really show he’s interested? He’s done a lot of demonstrated interest including like and 8 hour virtual thing he did a while ago with the school. I was just wondering what his best shot is to get in RD. One person from our high school got in and already has withdrawn, does that help his chances?

Also, reading the NUIn info currently posted on the website (which is very abbreviated, likely because the pandemic has screwed up traditional NUin programming) it says that FEDERAL financial aid (loans, grants, work study) does NOT apply to the NUIn semester. This may be why the majority of NUIn acceptance posters (majority - not all) did not apply for FA.

I was deferred. 1520 SAT, 3.9 uw/ 4.37 w. My extracurriculars were okay. Does anyone know if I can withdraw my financial aid application at this point?

My child received $27k/year for the first year, and that’s great. On the grant side, we think for our income, and being the second child in college, he would have received more financial aid if he didn’t get the scholarship. In other words, scholarship and financial aid are combined. Of course, you could receive more grant than my child did, if your profile is very strong.

My son was accepted to with a Dean’s Scholarship. As we are trying to make sense of the financials, I am wondering about the co-op programs. Do they result in students taking more than four years to graduate? Should we be factoring an extra semester into our planning?

D was deferred

SAT/ACT: test optional
GPA: 3.86 UW/4/5 W class rank 15/385
State/Country: OH
Major: Health science
Did you apply for FA?: yes

Thank you. My son is also a finance major. He is a little ambivalent about starting with study abroad, so I would like him to see all the information and possibilities. He is very interested in traveling, I just don’t think he pictured that as his first college experience.

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What should I do to show continued interest? And does anyone know around what % of deferred get accepted?