Northeastern University 2021 EA

Yep - they just updated their application portal to say that they’ll send an email about it soon.


Thank you for detailed insight. Do all students get paid Co-op or it varies case by case. Do u have link for parents FB page … Thanks again

Thanks for the updated info!

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deferred… pain :frowning:

@lemonlulu “don’t worry too much about showing interest. I know one applicant this year accepted in EA round, has not shown any interest besides one virtual presentation early on.”
Your statement is based on a sample of N=1. Not valid.

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My s was accepted NUIN and we did not receive any merit. He is strongly considering Case Western who gave him a 10k a year merit scholarship. Is there a possibility of NU matching that?

Nah I think he/she is right. I don’t think they use demonstrated interest that much in their admission process. They show the factors that they use on the Common Data Set and demonstrated interest is used very slim. I only attended 1 virtual session and got admitted with Honors and a scholarship.

I genuinely do not understand how NEU makes decisions. I have a few friends who all got into better schools than NEU, yet they were deferred by NEU

Yeah I totally get that. And it’s like Northeastern is very competitive as well, but every college builds their class differently I guess. Just like how one can get admitted into NEU but denied to BU and vice versa.

okay thank you! would i upload the letter to my portal?

You can’t get merit while you are doing NUin. You are not a matriculated NEU student until the spring.

Yes, they are. This was confirmed by my son’s AO.

You answered your own question. The adcoms somehow figured out your friends were using Northeastern as a “safety”.


Daughter got deferred. She wants to send her first semester grades in, but doesn’t see an option to do so on the portal. does anyone know where this option may be?

NEU has always been hard to predict. The Val of my son’s class was deferred, and if you look at threads from prior years, you see that a lot of high stat kids get deferred every year. NEU’s strategy is to boost applications as much as possible by making it very easy to apply, which allows them to lower the admission rate. I think NEU is also pretty adept at sorting out who is serious about wanting to attend from the high stat kids who throw in “what the heck” applications.


Sure here is FB link: Northeastern University Parent Group (NU/NEU) | Facebook

every student and major has access to services and coop specific advisors that help them co-ops.

Kids take a specific coop course by major that is all geared to finding a coop. My D took her class 2nd year. I believe every major has a coop cycle either fall or spring. I don’t know for sure but I bet it would be rare for a student at NEU NOT to have coops.

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I would like to know how they “figured out” who is using it as a safety. Just because someone has certain stats doesn’t mean its a safety - some kids are truly interested in the school and what it has to offer. And a lot of exceptional students WERE accepted. Seems like they deferred a very specific subset of qualified kids - have to wonder why.


My teen also was deferred and had shown interest by coming to campus for formal tour pre-pandemic. We then never signed up for virtual sessions because I thought those were for people who couldn’t make a real tour.


I would join the Parent Group on FB for NE and ask that. There are thousands of parents and I know that question has come up in the past. Northeastern University Parent Group (NU/NEU) | Facebook

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Congrats! Do you know what the National Recognition Program Scholar is? Did they explain that at all? (Is that related to the NMF or Hispanic scholars program?)

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