Northeastern University 2021 EA

D21 Discovered this morning she was deferred overnight. 4.0 UWGPA, 4.7 WGPA, top 15 in class of nearly 400, 8 AP’s. Good essays and rec’s, average EC’s. Test optional. Zero demonstrated interest. She got into UNC in-state yesterday so she has declined the deferral and withdrawn her application. Good luck to everyone.


I believe it is! I was a National Hispanic Scholar and got the National Recognition Program scholarship

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Twicemama-I believe the National Recognition Program is related to the designation from the College Board for minority and rural students which includes Hispanic scholars. The award my son received was $15k.

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Did they increase the scholarship? 2 years ago, 32K was the max.

Did anyone else get a phone call from NEU today? An unknown number called me midday and then again this evening. On the second call they left a message saying they were from NEU and wanted to chat about my “program of interest” but didn’t leave their name or much other information.

yes! a student from bouve (health sciences) called me just to check in and see if I had any questions!! they were super nice!


Same here. Other than attending one virtual session in September I did not show any other interest. However, I think Northeastern is great in what it has to offer, although I never got an opportunity to show that through a supplemental essay.

Maybe have her guidance counselor send them officially?

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I’m wondering what to make of my deferral. NEU was definitely a reach for me with a 32 ACT and not a ton of rigor, and I did show demonstrated interest. Looking at some of the other deferrals, I’m wondering if mine is more of a rejection than testing to see if you’re qualified. Do you have any insights?

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Sometimes faculty members from programs call select students who were admitted.

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I don’t think ACT 32 was a cause as few ACT 35 applicants were deferred.
Rigor may be. Do your course cohesive to the major you pursue?
Rigor or not, I can’t tell, maybe you posted earlier.
How about essay? I know everyone likes their own essay or think their LOR rated 9/10 but those are subjective.
The other reason could be you have EC X but the AO looks for EC Y for class of 2025. Or they know they have too many EC X.
I suggest you don’t over think. Be patient till RD released. And hope for another school gives you are better answer.
Good luck and cheer.

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My son was rejected from Rice but is otherwise having great success and I think it is because of course rigor during this test optional period. If the TO trend continues, I think course rigor will play an even more prominent role in decisions.

I’m thinking him submitting his test scores worked against him, even though a 1500 is nothing to sneeze at. This whole process this year just leaves a horrible taste in my mouth!

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Yeah a 1500 is amazing. If the new normal doesn’t factor that in as big plus, that’s crazy!

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I saw top stat like ACT 36, 4.0 GPA and great EC kids ended up staying at state flagship because top 20 schools don’t take them, and 2nd tier 20 private schools don’t want to be their safety schools.


i know…i realized that its better to have mediocre stats…at least students get into safeties…

Hang in there. My son was deferred last year with near perfect grades and test scores and great ECs and I am an alum. I was very surprised. But he was accepted RD and it has been a great fit for him academically and socially.


Okay sounds good. Did he send a LOCI?

I am amazed you have the time to do so much EC.
good job!

Thank you. I love what I do, I hope colleges can see that because so far Tulane and Northeastern haven’t :confused:

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