Northeastern University 2021 EA

My daughter was deferred with a 3.8 UW 4.6W GPA and 35 ACT (one sitting). All her HS courses were either honors or AP (11) and definitely demonstrated rigor. She’s a nationally ranked equestrian, CSF, a science NHS officer, etc…
This wasn’t a safety school for her.


He sent something when he was made captain of the fencing team. He sent a LoCI to Michigan engineering after EA deferral but was rejected. NU’s campus did much better than MI so it worked out in the end.

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Of course – UMich engineering is crazy competitive. Congrats to him!

What’s HYP?

The College Board has several recognition programs (including the National Hispanic Recognition Program) for students that are based on PSAT scores. Since I was named a part of the NHRP, that qualified me to be considered as a National Recognition Program Scholar by Northeastern. It’s pretty similar to NMF overall, except I found out my status as a part of NHRP much earlier than NMFs will hear decisions. I’m not sure if I explained it well, but I remember reading a lot about it on Northeastern’s website

Harvard, Yale, Princeton

Hey, idk if someone answered this already, but your guidance counselor will submit your mid year report to the common app, so Northeastern and any other schools you have applied to will receive your 1st semester grades :slight_smile:

Honestly I’ve shockingly seen a lot of kids with high stats getting rejected. As a person with a low SAT score that got in, I’m very confused.

ACCEPTED into Honors with a $35K yearly scholarship!

Unless you apply ED, Northeastern is nobody’s safety school no matter what your stats. It has a 20% overall acceptance (which means lower than 20% for non-ED applicants). Beyond that, it is too unpredictable in who it accepts and who it defers, and has been that way for years.


Hi everyone - without major changes to the system the best way to help each other out is to pull your application when you decide you are definitely not going to or considering a particular school!


I feel your pain. My kid was also deferred with almost exactly the same stats. Sigh.

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And do you think you send that letter to your area rep? General admissions office? Both?

Totally agree with you. This was my “ultra reach”, I did not expect to get in at all, particularly as I was watching all the kids on here with amazingly high stats being disappointed. My acceptance didn’t roll in until after 9pm EST , I nearly fell off my chair when I got in. Good luck to everyone and congratulations to all.

I’ve seen a few comments about not displaying enough interest. Can someone expand on that? I know that it won’t help me anymore this year but my brother is a junior and I want him to have a better shot. For my part, I went to 2 virtual sessions, I had an on-campus visit and meeting with the engineering department advisor that was due to happen in the last week of March before Covid locked me out of Massachusetts. Are there other things that I should have been doing? Northwestern was my number one school as long as the money fit

My daughter was accepted. She had a scheduled campus visit canceled last April. Did two virtual sessions. She did request an early financial review in mid-October which they will suggest if you are trying to figure out if ED is good financially for you. I mistakenly did not attach one of our tax schedules so we did not get the results so she applied EA. But I think that requesting that review might have helped her. And requesting the review certainly does not lock you into anything. Just gives you an idea of what they think you can afford. Though she did have great stats too.


The best and most fair demonstrated interest is to apply ED, no matter which school.

Was it for National Merit Semi-Finalist?

sure, but my interpretation of ED is that you only do it if you are rich enough to pay full price or have enough demonstrated need to trust that you would be able to afford the package offered. My family is in the middle and so I didn’t want to apply ED and lock myself into a price that I could never really afford if I didn’t get merit. I have since heard that no one asks for doco to support your saying you can’t afford it but it’s a scary place to be and, in my opinion, an additional level of stress that I wanted to avoid coming from a middle-income family.


D Accepted Chem E with 18,000 a year, but no honors (kind of surprised)

34 ACT
4.0 uw, 4.7w
Several Varsity Sports

Sister graduated in 2019 from NEU. She was in the honors group, but it’s really not a big deal there. All her friends ended up being non-honors, so she did not use the honors housing advantage, since the whole group had to be honors to use it.