Northeastern University 2021 EA



Ya think? I thought it was only Wed

stilll nothing for me :confused:

Anybody knows when will they release ED2 result? or is there an ED2 thread

Last year it apparently came out on the 22nd

Last year the 22nd was a Wednesday

someone earlier said the past two years it was wednesday but before that there is history with tuesday and thursday. the original post also has more info

Fr, Iā€™ve honestly started to lose interest


Does an email come out when the decisions are available on the portal?

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I think the email is sent a bit after the portal is updated though

aight guys i dont think theyre coming todayā€¦For ED they posted on twitter at 7:34.

Iā€™m just gonna assume itā€™s coming next week so that I wonā€™t stress out for this every day

Looks like this was misinformation.

they did not say it was coming out today they said when it did come out it would come out in ONE wave. I can confirm this because I was on the info session.


I guess next week. So nerve wracking.


Incoming class is not 4,000. More like 2,700-2,800. Not sure if NuIn kids are included in that.

Really. I thought since they have almost 15000 undergrad that it would be closer to 4000.

Hello everyone! In light of Wednesday eveā€™s speculation, I just want to remind everyone of this :slight_smile:

Hang in there everyone! My money would be on 1/27, but again, it could very possibly be 1/26 or 1/28. The pattern of a 4PM EST rollout is highly unlikely to change, so thereā€™s no need to speculate past that time. isnā€™t included in the 2800 class size, but also remember many people are at Northeastern for 5 years, so 15K undergrads is actually closer to 3K per class than 4K, though youā€™d have to also account for the percentage of people who do 4 years vs 5.

That said, using the US News reported number, 14202 / 5 = 2840. Seems like add, subtract 4 year students, and youā€™ve got the right ballpark.