Northeastern University 2021 EA

This would be a big departure from normal if so. Not to doubt you, but I would consider this may have been misinterpreted possibly - maybe “one wave” meant “on the same day” to the admissions officer vs a rolling admissions approach. Do you remember the exact wording here?

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In previous years, Northeastern University has released their early action decisions in parts. They start with the Boston/ New England area then work their way over to NY etc. Last night on the information session, admissions confirmed that this year, all early action decisions will be released all at once. (ex. ALL of them at 7 pm rather than 4,5,6,7…) Admissions did not say when this release would happen, just how. Please tell me if you need further clarification.


Did they give a reason for the change? I seem to remember the website crashed last year- I hope it can keep up with everyone logging in at once!

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so they confirmed that it would be coming out at 7 pm?

no reason. Someone just asked if they would be coming out in waves or all at once and they replied in the chat with all at once.

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no. that was an example hence the ex.

That’s exciting! Let’s just hope that they are prepared for all of the anxious applicants logging on at once :joy:

in past years even with the waves its been known to be really slow logging in because of all of the people on it at once so we will see how it goes this time!

Yeah I’m having flashbacks to the new ACT website over the summer. I’ll try to keep an open mind though. Although I also wonder if the wording for misconstrued on the chat. Like the admissions rep thought the question was about rolling decisions out over multiple days, instead of rolling through time zones on the same day. Either way, we will know soon!


Could the decision be released today? They have released on a Thursday in the past.

It’s possible

based on what ppl said, I think we may get decisions any minute

Oh, why do you think that? I didn’t know that people were talking about today

Are you serious?

10%??? ISn’t it usually in the 20s?

We have had a few people scare us last couple of days. You are not kidding right?

Also I thought they come out on Wednesdays omg what is going on

Fr idk if I can trust anyone after yesterday

Just my 2c - the person who posted joined CC 22 mins ago. Not that it verifies anything but it does seem strange.


that is true… i feel like someone may just be trolling us