Northeastern University 2021 EA

I’d say high given they tend to release Tuesday through Thursday and next week is the last of the month. I believe they guarantee decisions by the first so logically it makes sense. However please do not take this as fact, it is purely speculation.

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Good luck you guys


good luck everyone!!


Gotta be this week! Good luck everyone…

Do you guys think that mid feb would be too late for demonstrated interest? I have already shown some but would they still consider stuff I do next month?

has anyone received an update?

well, it won’t hurt! especially if they are still having events. However, I wouldn’t spend too much time on it as it probably won’t help too much.

You won’t hear anything until at least Wednesday

Guys maybe northeastern has changed the days this year. Remember that ED decisions were released on a Sunday this year. So maybe instead of Wednesday they will release decisions on a Sunday. I think they can come today also.

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ED was not released on a Sunday. They came out Wednesday December 9th at 7pm. My son was accepted ED1. Good luck everyone!


No decisions have ever come out on a Saturday or Sunday.

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I think that the speculation is only making it worse. It has got to be within this next week. We’ve already made it this far, we can definitely do this!


Hello. I have a question/request. If your school sends out Quarter 1 grades to colleges to supplement applications, do you see anything in your application status portal showing that admissions received your “first marking grades” or anything referencing first term grades listed in the “documents received”?

I know our school sends out grades. Half of his colleges have acknowledged receipt in his portal and the other 6 have not, including NEU. The schools would have received his grades on or after 11/20.

Thank you for help!

Yes, I see an updated date (mid-Dec) for Midyear Report and Midyear Transcript. My daughter’s first term grades would have been on her initial High School Transcript based on the timing. The midyear one has all of them.

Thank you. Sons initial transcript was sent 10/29 which didn’t have Q1 term by then. Our HS sent email to parents & students stating Q1grades would be sent starting 11/20. Yet term 1 grades document is not listed on his NE list of received documents. So I’m concerned that NE didn’t get them and EA decision are days away. He got straight As and that would have helped. Ugh. Will have to cal NE and email AO.

My guidance counselor had reached out to Northeastern about whether or not they needed my first quarter grades, and they said they didn’t. Someone had helpfully posted they don’t look at first term grades for early action- I can’t remember who unfortunately! You might want to wait and see what the decision is- it may make more sense to send the term grades if deferred.

Yeah, on the Northeastern Admissions Instagram account they posted something on October 13th describing what the differences between different applications are and for EA it says your senior course load is considered but grades are not. (If your looking for it in the post I think it was the 4th image on the post and like the 2nd bullet I think)

Probably me. It is posted in their admission EA page.
I doubt they will look at it if someone sends mid year grade. If one’s junior grade was not good, supposed to apply RD and make up the grade in first semester of senior.

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Hi thank you. I just called NE admissions. They confirmed receipt of his Q1 grades on 11/24. Apparently NEU doesn’t name the document “Term 1 Grades” as one would suspect. They said it is in the portal uploaded into a different location - under the “Optional Documents” section of the portal, and its not listed with the other documents sent by the HS. So your post makes sense that if they dont use Q1 grades they dont list it w required documents! The woman on the phone said they are within the “Transcript” which is odd as I know my Sons transcript was sent from the school 10/29 and did not yet contain Q1 grades. Either way glad they have them if they need them. Puts my & my sons mind at ease. Given decisions are out in coming days. Thank you - Good luck to all kids/parents. Our oldest is NEU biochem 3rd year and loves it. Hoping he is a husky as well.

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what’s the likelihood of decisions coming out today?