Northeastern University 2021 EA

from seeing videos of people when they open their decisions usually it takes a while to load due to how many people are trying to get into the website

last year it took forever to load, then I had a few hours with a blank screen and finally was able to get in at 9:30pm (NYC)

I don’t think they are coming out today. ED in the past 2 years came out around 7PM. EA in the past 2 years came out around 4PM. They would have announced EA decisions already if it were today. However, this is just a prediction and not 100% accurate.

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my portal didn’t take long to load
 is it still taking a longer time for y’all?

yeah now it’s loading fine

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so i feel like a 7pm release today may not be likely
 unless the lag was due to the results already being uploaded to be sent out soon

Had to log in twice.

Keep in mind guys that most people are expecting the decisions to come out sometime this week
 so the lag might just be the massive amount of students constantly checking the portal


im waiting for 7 to roll around


nothing. hopefully tomorrow!!

I have heard that northeastern EA will come out either Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday this week. Not sure about times but people r telling me northeastern doesn’t release on Mondays and Fridays.

Please everyone, read the first post! The most likely day by far is Wednesday, either in waves starting at 4PM EST or at 7PM EST all at once. Every version of “people are saying x” is just taking a bunch of heresay that’s likely all rooted in the first post.

The only new or notable information this year is that it has been alleged that rather than releasing in hourly waves like normal, they would be released all at once (time unspecified). If it follows the patterns of ED (which historically only releases in one wave), it would be guessed to be 7PM EST.

Hang in there everyone and good luck!


What would you estimate as the number that would be accepted?

if the acceptance rate stays around 19% then out of 36,000 total applicants a little bit less than 7,000 applicants will be accepted

19% is overall acceptance rate last year?
Where is 36K total applicants coming from? EA?
then the acceptance rate for EA can be up a bit, 23% maybe.

just read somewhere: NE acceptance rate is 29% last year. I guess EA acceptance rate can be 35%

I’m not one-hundred percent sure but I know for many schools, applying EA doesn’t actually increase your chances of getting in since it is non-binding. Often it is just a way to learn about your admissions decisions quicker. The yield from EA isn’t significantly higher than the yield from RD.

the EA acceptance number can relate to stronger applicants who do not wait till one more semester or improved test score, compared to most RD applicant.

That’s how some EA deferred applicants can get in during RD round.
Just guessing

I guess well know how it affect us this week

Where did you read that? The overall acceptance rate for 2020 was about 22% according to Northeastern.

There are 36,000 EA applications this year.

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The acceptance rate has not been near 29% since 2017ish (it’s hovered around 18-19%, with a slight COVID uptick). The 2021 cycle numbers will not be publically available for a year or so, so all of this is just needless speculation.

EA is primarily to hear back sooner, not to get an admissions advantage. The EA boost is incredibly minor at best.

This year, it was alleged that ED would fill more of the class, which may reduce the EA/RD acceptance rates. Again, we won’t know for sure for some time. I wouldn’t spend energy analyzing as at the end of the day, applications are in and you’ll have your results soon!