Northeastern University 2021 EA

If you call admissions all they will say is “by February 1st”.

The speculation about this week is based on when decisions came out in the past few years.

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I keep seeing on those big websites that have pages for EA release dates that Northeastern comes out on February 1st. Curious if they’re correct but I guess we’ll find out tomorrow

i feel like someone has asked this, but what time do you think decisions will be released tomorrow if it is tomorrow?

also, do people get into the N.U program during EA?

It’s like 4pm for Boston area, 4/5/6pm for NYC, and then the rest of them I/m not sure but I believe within an hour or two of that

International is a big time window though

NU In is released tomorrow as well

Decisions can either be:


Are u sure it’s tomorrow?

No not at all. It’s all rumors. A lot of people seem confident about tomorrow, however, I feel they probably wouldn’t be stressing the 1st SOO much if it were gonna be so much earlier than that, and I think they’d take all the time they can get

Does anyone know if financial aid info will be released with decisions? Like full cost of attendance with aid?

As has been said many times, the original post on this thread pretty much explains everything except the actual release date which is solely up to the school and follows certain patterns, but doesn’t have to be on any day until February 1. PengsPhils has been around since before my older son got into Northeastern 6 years ago now and knows a lot about this process.


Everyone is saying that if you are admitted, a screen saying “The wait is over” will appear. Does that mean that the email notifying us will say that or when we log in to check the decision in the application portal, we shall see that?

no it will not be in your email. your email will probably say something along the lines of “your status has been updated” but nothing about whether or not you were admitted/deferred/denied. when you log in then the screen will pop up saying “the wait is over” if you were admitted. if a letter just pops up you were either deferred or denied.

It is not a rumor. The prediction is based on the pattern of the past few years. It is an informed guess but of course not guaranteed.

Ah okay. Just assumed rumor because people already freaked me out for UMich

Will we get an email as soon as the decision is in our portal, so we don’t have to keep checking our portal?

the decision comes out earlier than the email

So should we expect tomorrow or Friday?

Based on past years tomorrow or Thursday would be the most likely dates but that is not guaranteed.

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Do you think the influx in applications might influence that at all?

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Thank you! And I’ve been hearing that if we don’t receive an update on social media before 4 PM EST that decisions won’t be released that day. Is that somewhat true as well?