Northeastern University 2021 EA

That’s true

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Thank you!

This is a random question – what time did the NEU admissions account on instagram post that the ED decisions were released?

My friend was accepted ED and it was around 4:30 pm here in california

The post time or the release time?

ED decisions were released at about 7 PM Eastern in a single wave. There were only about 3000 ED applications.

There are over 30,000 EA applications so decisions are released in hourly waves starting at about 4 PM Eastern.

There has never been advance notice.

Hi my admissions counselor changed??? I don’t know how, but I know for a fact that Caitlyn McDonough was my counselor before break, and now my account says that Evan Layne, assistant director of admissions, is my counselor??? What does that mean

Did you move?

Nope. I checked and she still works there. Don’t they do counselors by where your school is, not where you live? Caitlin McDonough is for the UWS of Manhattan where my school is, and Evan Layne is for Lower Manhattan and some other boroughs (including where I live). I just don’t really understand why’d they switch it all of a sudden

I got the same thing too, and the replacement for my admissions counselor is right next to my region in my state. Have no clue why this happened.

by any chance, is your old counselor for your school and your new person near where you live? That is what happened with me

Caitlin McDonough is our AO, too, but she is on maternity leave and her kids have been temporarily reassigned to Evan Layne. :slight_smile:

Ahhh okay thank you! I was worried

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YW. My son’s school is on the UES, but that’s part of Caitlin’s (now Evan’s) territory, too. His good friend who was admitted ED with him goes to school downtown and has had Evan all along. :slight_smile:

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Good luck!

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Hi guys! random question but when I submitted my common app i indicated that “yes, i am open to considering a first semester abroad” with the Nuin program. If my decision says I got into this program am I locked into it or am I able to make a final decision? and if my decision says I just got into normal northeastern will i be able to try to get into this abroad program later on or was this the only time i could get into NUin? just a little confused with how it works. thanks!! :)))

Assuming the same as in the past, you cannot choose NUin. Admissions selects who will be offered NUin as part of their admissions offer. You can either accept or decline, but if you decline that means you cannot attend Northeastern. It is a recent addition to the application to even ask if NUin is a preference, first choice, etc. .

Ah! Great to know! Thanks a ton :))

Yes, mine used to be Paolo Sanchez and now it’s Stefanie Kane.

My D for Fall 2018, selected “Yes” to the willingness to consider NUin question on her common ap application. She was admitted RD with the requirement that she had to go abroad NUin for fall 2018.