Northeastern University 2021 EA

sorry it is hard to express tone in text i didn’t mean that in a rude way at all i am just curious

Hey guys! I applied regular decision and I only have to log in once now when I had to do it twice before. That message about Adobe is there for me as well, so I don’t think it’s a sign considering I won’t be hearing today!

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I may be wrong, but couple of my friends who were seniors 1 and 2 years ago said that 1) this bag with double sign in happens each year and 2) it is fixed they day they release decisions or upload some info to the applicant portal


Oh that’s strange. Why would my portal be doing that then?

ohhh okay i understand thank you!! :slight_smile:

My portal is letting me sign in the first time


it has always asked me to sign in twice, ever since November!


They may upload some info. Maybe something to your checklist like recs or high school transcript. As I said, it may ask you to sign in once if they are doing something to your applicant portal.

I already have everything uploaded though, maybe my portal is being affected bc of all the activity with other peoples portals, never know. :slight_smile:

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oh wait guys… I have always had to sign in twice and I just signed in and it only had me sign in once!!!

they may process it right now, who knows

oh the same for me right now! I just checked it. Ok, it gives me some hope

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I applied for journalism as well!

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Hahaha you’re getting me excited

this forum is gonna blow up around 4 omg


has anyone called admissions to ask ? i know that’s a common thing. to do

guys the double sign-in is because the first login logs you out from previous, and then the new login actually logs you in. depending on the browser, it can take either one or two times (this is what I’ve heard a few times before at least)

I did apply originally as early action but they asked me to switch it so they could see my mid year grades bc thats their policy for early hs graduates

look up #collegeconfidential on tiktok it’s hilarious


I have not changed the browser since august, and it asked me to sign in twice 15 minutes ago and only once now. Definitely not depending on the browser