Northeastern University 2021 EA

i still have to sign in twice now but last week it alternated between once and twice

Probably they were doing something with the portal. Maybe they are doing the same thing today. we just have to wait

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i feel like the portal is gonna be super slow around 4 not because they’re updating our decisions but because everyone’s gonna try to check then


yes! agree 100%

im so nervous


don’t be nervous guys! it’s just one school! Plus youre all so determined you’ll make the best out of anywhere you go!


Smh I don’t even find out today lol

How sure are we that it comes out today? I swear if I have been feeling nauseous all day just for it not to come out im gonna freak out

because based on the last few years of admissions cycles decisions usually came out on wednesdays

I get that but I’m just thinking about how there were way more apps this year so maybe it might affect release dates

Same. Most schools are postponing their decision release dates so I’m trying not to get my hopes up for today.


Hey. Please don’t freak out. Whatever happens, happens, and that it out of your control at this point. Relax, watch a movie, take a nap, and know that you worked hard and will get rewarded for that with or without getting into Northeastern.


I think it would be fine because there are also people who got into ED and withdraw their apps

In general I wouldn’t over analyze having to log in once vs twice. My portal has had that glitch ever since I applied, and it got people worked up last week too. Hopefully we will know in a few hours, but worst case scenario a few days! We’ve got this :slight_smile:


Did anyone here apply to BU? I sent my official AP scores cuz they don’t take the unofficial ones but idk how to tell if they’ve been received.

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I’d honestly just email admissions and confirm

That’s what I did on Monday but they haven’t answered ah. Im being impatient but Im annoyed at CB because they didn’t send my USC scores at first after I paid.

Definitely call then. they can’t ignore a phone call lol

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Do you think I should wait until maybe Friday if they haven’t emailed back? I am lazy asf

When did you email them? I’d give it 5-7 days just because it’s a long time until they make decisions