Northeastern University 2021 ED1


D21 Accepted!
SAT/ACT (if submitted / Superscore): 1420
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info):uw 3.86

State/Country: CT

Major: CAMD

Did you apply for FA?: Yes
Played 2 Varsity sports, 2 club sports, part-time job. Sibling attends NEU currently.



SAT/ACT (Superscore): didn’t submit (couldn’t take)

Submitted 5 AP Scores (Four 5’s, one 4)

GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 3.94 UW/4.36 W

State/Country: Bay Area, CA

Major: Psychology

Did you apply for FA?: No

Honors/NMF/etc?: Dean’s Scholarship

I think my greatest assets were my essays and the two internships I did this summer and the year before. Summer 2019, I did a full-time internship with a non-profit in London and this summer I worked in a psych clinic, both of which I think play really well into the experiential learning focus of Northeastern. Congratulations everyone!

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Does anyone know when EA decisions come out?


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My daughter received $14K annually. We did not qualify for need based aid.


Decision: Accepted ED

SAT/ACT (Superscore): 34

GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 3.8UW and 4.5W

State/Country: Maryland

Major: Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry

Did you apply for FA?: no

Honors/NMF/etc?: Dean’s Scholarship

Strong EC including sports, school paper, community service, tutoring and summer academic programs in engineering and chemistry


Same with my son.

You live off campus (last year students lived in the Westin and other hotels, as well as a dorm on Commonwealth Ave., which was a bit of a hike), aren’t on the dining plan, etc. You take classes with NU students but that’s it.

Decision: Daughter Accepted

SAT/ACT: Not Submitted

GPA: 4.2 (weighted), 3.9 (unweighted)

State: California

Major: Undeclared

FA: Yes

Honors: Deans Scholarship $10,000 per year, $40,000 Max

My daughter showed a lot of interest. We visited during Spring Break of her Sophomore year and she basically decided this was her top choice. She let her counselor know and I have no idea if he communicated that to the admissions people at Northeastern. My daughter started a Sign Language Club at her school and wrote her essay about how she came to teach herself Sign Language. She’s also played Varsity Tennis for four years. As a parent I’m glad this is behind us and she is going to the school where she really wants to be.


Hi new Huskies. Welcome to the pack! My freshman son has had a really good experience, Covid-restrictions and all. Hopefully next fall will be even better for you.


Hi, I am Michael and I am from New Orleans, Louisiana.

I was accepted to Northeastern University on 12/9/2020 (6 days before their Dec. 15th decision day) at 4:05pm. I received a call from my admissions representative to tell my that I was also accepted into the University Honors Program. My resume/stats:

4.0 GPA (unweighted)
4.2 GPA (weighted–LSU)
Class rank: 1
No scores submitted.

– Awards and Acknowledgements

  • 1st Place school science fair in
  • 3rd Place regional science fair
  • Masonic Honesty and Integrity Award
  • Rochester Xerox Innovation & Information Technology Award
  • National Honors Society
    –Advanced Coursework – Beyond Honors
  • Spanish 101 (Ivy Tech Community College)
  • English 1001 (Louisiana State University)
  • English 2000 (Louisiana State University)
  • Math 1021 (Louisiana State University)
  • Math 1022 (Louisiana State University)
  • History 1001 (Louisiana State University)
  • History 1003 (Louisiana State University)
  • History 2055 (Louisiana State University)
  • Introduction to Computer Science (Amazon Future Engineer program)
  • AP Computer Science I (Amazon Future Engineer program)

– Clubs and Sports

  • Student Council (3 years)

Used public gatherings, school events, and direct relations to keep the student body informed and happy. Throughout 3 years of office, raised over $8,000 through school wide events such as COVID Watch Parties, pep-rally events, and sanctioned festivals.

  • Student Body President
  • Junior Class President
  • Sophomore Representative
  • Prospective Student Tour Guide
  • Spirit Club (2 years)

Maintained the @jccsspiritclub Instagram page with current events and information that was relatable to the time. Also had access to the JCCS official Twitter account to assist the Social Media director with providing information to a large number of students, parents, and teachers.

  • Executive Board–Marketing and Resources
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Club (2 years)

Organized and explored a variety of S.T.E.M. events that furthered knowledge about careers in this field. Attended many seminars and workshops that allowed to analyze S.T.E.M. to better understand that practicality.

  • President
  • Junior Class President
  • Interact Club (1 year)
  • Leadership Academy (1 year)
    A community service organization that sought to bring change to surrounding communities. Raised over $2,500 in a 24-hour time period for the on-going opioid epidemic.
    -Freshman Mentor Program
    -Chain of Hope Committee
  • Yearbook staff (1 year)
  • FCA (2 years)
  • DRAMA Club (2 plays)
  • Varsity Baseball
    • 4 year letter
    • 2 year captain
  • Varsity tennis
    • 4 year letter
    • 2 year captain
      –Work Experience
  • Mo’s Pizza (4 months)
    • Front counter food prep
  • Tutoring (During school year, twice a week)
    • Kindergartener: Reading; organizational and handwriting skills
    • 1st grader: All subjects; organizational and handwriting skills
    • 5th grader: All subjects; Organizational skills
  • Tennis lessons (Twice a week)
    • 9 year old
    • 8 year old
      I also kept my admissions representative updated with any new accomplishments I had after I submitted my application. Also, I emailed her whenever I had a question that could not be answered from basic research. My greatest advice is to attend WEBINARS or EVENTS to truly get to know the school and have your questions answered. Northeastern is an awesome school and I hope to keep you guys updated through my journey being a Husky.
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this year ED1 admission rate 53% 1000/1900

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wow! incredible!

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Where did you get that information? I’ve been wondering. Thanks for sharing.

What was last year’s?

i don’t think CC allows me to post the link, check collegekickstart please

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see message #58

32% last year. I see the info on college kickstart. It’s never clear with Northeastern if they are including the NUin admits in the data.

That figure most likely includes NU In acceptances, which are not binding.

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