Northeastern University 2021 ED1

Mine still says 11/20. Where are you guys seeing this? Does this mean I didn’t get in?

all of my dates are 11/02, the same as they were when I applied. I haven’t seen the 11/20 or the 12/08, should I be concerned?

I’ve always had two ED agreements under received documents, one says 11/22 and the other says 11/20. If you haven’t seen a change I would not worry.


On the top half it says 11/20 for me for ED agreement, but on the bottom half it now says 12/08. I don’t think you have a reason to be concerned, I was looking through past admission threads and many peoples dates didn’t change and got accepted. I don’t see how a changed date on a ED agreement would be indicative of your decision


I also saw people whose date changed get denied. It means nothing, I think everyone’s just stressed and freaking out over little things (including myself)



true. thanks everyone!

good luck fellas. Its tonight or tomorrow but no matter what it is good luck

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I know that its more likely to come out tomorrow…but I really hope its tonight because I have a class at 7 pm tomorrow and it would suck to start crying over zoom in my calc class


It’s been the 8th for the past 4 years so I really don’t know.

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Nah last year it was the 11th and the year before that it was the 5th. Both were the second Wednesday after Thanksgiving.

Really? Huh I saw somewhere its been the 8th

I wish they’d just give us a set date and time


Looking back at their social media history, they usually don’t release a date and time beforehand

Good Luck to everyone!!! I guess we are all demonstrating a lot of interest stressing in this thread😂
Also, I recommend all of you to write a letter to your future self, it really helped me calm down yesterday. I just used
Again, Good Luck to everyone!


^this ain’t no aid :rofl:

AGH same… don’t want to get rejected and then have to write 3 essays

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same… I have 5 RD schools that I haven’t started the essays for and I really don’t want to spend my break on that

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SAME…I also have 5 schools and like 10 essays that I haven’t even looked at for a month, which is not the greatest move on my part seeing that I probably won’t get in :slight_smile:

That’s why Northeastern ED is attractive.

  • Top 50 school
  • No supplemental essay
  • Filling 50% of class of 2025
  • Merit Scholarship available
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