Hi Everyone! Thanks @realnickiminaj for kicking this off! For a centralized place + info + archival purposes, I’m going to close this thread and move this discussion over to here:
Hi All,
This thread is for any discussion/decisions for ED2 admissions this year!
The official decision date is by February 15th, but historically decisions are released earlier, and typically on Wednesdays. If not on a Wednesday, nearly all release dates fall within Tuesday-Thursday. Decisions for ED will release all at one time across all time zones. Based on this, the most likely release dates are February 3rd or February 10th but could fall anywhere between 2/2 and 2/11.
Previous Admission Cycle Archive Thread (Including Previous Dates)
Posting Decisions
To all those posting decisions, including the following info would be greatly helpful to people this year and especially in future years. The hope is to compile this information to give some numbers to future applicant pools. Feel free to post as much of this information as you are comfortable with. It shouldn’t have to be said, but numbers do not define you, this is only for statistical purposes.
Please post there for decisions and let me know directly if you have any concerns! Thanks and good luck!