Northeastern University 2021 ED2

Not yet, although I feel like portal changes are relatively random and dont mean a whole lot, so I try not to read into them

preach nicki

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barbz in boston :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


could it still be today even if there was no post yet

yes they usually post at the very last minute

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from what it seems like from other threads thereā€™s no prior email itā€™s just people frantically checking their portals

email and twitter will be 10-30 mins later than portal

that sounds right, and thereā€™s no email thatā€™s like ā€œwe will be releasing on the 16thā€ or whatever it just happens

do we think itā€™s today? ea accepted students portals are still down and apparently until later tonight/tomorrow or 24 hoursā€¦ iā€™m nervousā€‹:clown_face::laughing:

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I feel like the ea applicant portals being down is a good sign. When ea came out the portal kept crashing and a lot of people couldnā€™t see their decision, which Northeastern apologized for on Twitter. Disabling ea portals on the day ed decisions come out could help to not crash the portal


how long have they been down? if itā€™s been for a while it might just be a tech issue but if itā€™s relatively recent it could be a definite sign

for the past 4 hours i think

is anyone elseā€™s portal logging in after one try now? I read that means youā€™re close to decision day

iā€™m so scared iā€™m gonna cry lol good luck everyone!! :sob:

1 hour left :sob:

either 1 hour or 7 days :worried:

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not rlly. itā€™s still making me log in twice but a couple days ago it let me with only one login but then it went back to two

Mines is. Hopefully it releases today.

Good Luck everyone!

Has anyone else seen a ā€œparent asset confirmationā€ in FA? I dont have it but someone else said they did, could also be CC nonsense lol

Same for me it was only 1 attempt, that and the ea portals being done has me hopeful