Northeastern University 2021 RD

They’re all available provided your major is listed but they are filled first come first serve.

How do I choose an location?

You must attend a location that is academically compatible with your major and age. Capacity at each location is on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information on college compatibility, please see the Location Eligibility page.

You may select your location in your Application Status Check after making your first non-refundable deposit.


Hi! Does anyone know how good their cs major is? My son got in to cs major in the engineering school with 30k/year honor scholarship but I know very little about the school/cs. Any input would be really appreciated!

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Are u sure?

What made you think they made a mistake?

Idek, I am just surprise !!

Accepted to N.U in program

3.9 UW/4.52 W
1580 SAT
35 ACT
Subject Tests: 800 SAT Math II, 780 SAT Chemistry
Competitive high school in California
No ranking provided
10 APs (all 5s)
Strong ECs and Essays… I think?
Major: Computer Science and Business Administration

Rejected by UCI, UCSB! Thank you UCs!


waitlisted did not show interest and had weak essay (submitted in November)

hi y’all! this is my first time posting, but anyways:

  • accepted into NU rd for behavioral neuroscience and the honors program
  • GPA: 3.76 (uw); 4.89 (weighted)
  • 9 APs (3s - 5s)
  • 3 honors classes
  • 1460 SAT
  • National African American Recognition Scholar
  • AP scholar w/ distinction
  • a few ec’s (70+ hours of volunteering, a few clubs, executive student council)
  • 30k/year scholarship + $1,185 in micro-scholarships from RaiseMe

rejected at ucsb :confused: and i definitely wasn’t planning on getting into nu, but here we are!


CSS not required for merit.

Not overqualified. Look at his screen name. He was likely using Northeastern as a safety and the adcoms detected that.

@PengsPhils can give you an insider opinion.

Anyone know if its possible to switch from business to civil engineer major before starting in Fall 2021? and also how good is their civil engineering program.

Thank you I guess I have a lot to think about

Got into NUin (after indicating I did not want to be considered for that program)
35 ACT, 4.2 GPA - from MA and got Dean’s scholarship for $14,000

I’ve been reading a lot overnight about why some people seem to get NUin and about the program in general. It got a bit of a shake up this past year as they have an NUin option Boston (but you are not on campus and are not taking “regular freshman” classes - but CAN come on campus and eat there and go to library and rec center, etc.).
There is a lot a speculation why people get offered NUin - and it appears one big reason is the applicants ability to pay for it. You can’t use aid or merit for it so it’s a full price (even more!) semester and you are a class or two behind starting your spring semester on campus.
NUin students are given the spots vacated by upperclass students that are going on internships so you aren’t in freshman dorms when you come back so meeting people can be difficult. Anyhow - lots of good things about it too…just tough to think about not starting school in a traditional freshman manner…

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Major changes are generally granted. Contact admissions.

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Not necessarily if you select the recommended courses while doing the NU In semester.

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Congratulations to everyone who got accepted. My son also did not receive admission. Still waiting for more decisions but he has some great choices already…GA Tech, UGA, William and Mary.


So you can’t apply merit aid to NUin?

D21 accepted to NUIN with scholarship (10k per year)
Her letter said she can go to Greece, Ireland, Italy or England

Does anyone know if students at NU admitted to College of Social Sciences & Humanities can take classes at other colleges? D wants to major in something humanities but also follow the premed track and would need to meet those requirements by taking classes at the College of Sciences.

No, you can’t use your merit aid until you are taking classes back at Boston