Northeastern University 2021 RD

National Merit scholarships aren’t mailed out until around May (if the school you selected decides to offer), so possibly won’t see anything related to that until then

Check pg. 4 of the NMS instructions and feel free to interpret your own way!

what were your stats…if you don’t mind? and congrats!!

Thank you!

CS major is great. It’s highly reputed and lots of student get into great coops. Highly recommended.

@NJcollege2021 Of course cost is an important factor for many but I think just looking at the cost of attendance is not reasonable for selecting a university. But just wanted to explain how you can offset the cost: you can basically do anywhere between 2-4 coop at Northeastern University. And your coop duration can be between 4, 6 or 8 months. pay range is between (20-45$/hr) and (40hr/week). So if you put bit of effort you can offset 60-85% of your cost during those coop. And Through these coops you can make valuable connections in the industry which can later help get a job in that company. Remember industry experience is always preferred by employers over just academic experience.

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@NJcollege2021 Also Khoury College of Computer Science and College of Engineering have high reputation among employer in Boston/MA/East Coast and tons of great companies recruit from these 2 colleges because students here have proven track record of delivering values during their previous internship. There is a reason Northeastern University is ranked No. 1 CO-OP school in America.

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I also want to know how good their civil engineering program is. I also got admitted to UIUC for Civil Engineering (in state), but they are usually not good with aid and while I haven’t got my Northeastern FA package yet, it might end up being cheaper since my efc is pretty low

Thanks a lot for the great info and inputs @therealchipaway and @TomSrOfBoston and @Aerod24

We live close to NYC and been on Wall Street Tech jobs last 2 decades. Son has grew up with lot of appetite for both CS and finance. He did many personal pet projects himself in both in Tech and crypto mining. So he can shine both the colleges. We are trying to figures what’s best choice.
Being in Boston he can visit us any weekend and can get jobs around Tri-state area.


your coop duration can be between 4, 6 or 8 months. pay range is between (20-45$/hr) and (40hr/week). So if you put bit of effort you can offset 60-85% of your cost during those coo

Are you sure you can make so much in coop ?
I didn’t know you can offset by 60-85%? Thought after tax income can be around 10-15k per coop on average ?

@NJcollege2021 There are tons of other opportunities to earn while studying at Northeastern University. Like students can work part time on “Global student success office” , “OGS” and “writing center”, “Snell Library” and there are many other offices/services as well. And these are all paid positions so student who are in tight financial situation can work in these centers for extra cash and offsetting a bit of the living expenses. By working in these part time positions one can not only gain experience in university setting but at the same time help their fellow huskies and of course earn some extra bucks. Of course there are lots of my seniors who recovered all of the invested amount within 2-3 years of graduation.

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Does anyone know what NU Bound is? I was offered to go to London for my first year. Thank you.

Hi all, do any of you know if Northeastern has released need-based aid? According to their net price calculator I should qualify for need-based aid but I don’t see any of that in my financial award

All aspects of need-based financial aid and other awards are included in the financial aid document. You may want to reach out to the financial aid office to learn more about your package.

Is there anyone here who can connect me with a student who did NUin in Boston in Fall of 2020? I want to hear about a variety opinions (not just someone the admissions office connects me with). TIA!

I would post this ask on the Northeastern University Parents page on Facebook. There are plenty of parents there who can speak to this and connect you with their current NU student.

Edited to add: you may also consider asking on Reddit (NEU)

Did you have all your documents including the CSS filed by the priority date? If not the FA decision will be delayed.

The New College of the Humanities in London is part of Northeastern.

Confirm with your FA officer but if this is NU aid, then it might apply to NUIN. you cannot used any federal aid during NUIN bc you are not yet officially matriculated to NU until spring semester.

Decision (and if deferred): Rejected
GPA: 3.55 UW / 3.77 W
State/Country: Texas, United States
Major: Biology and Mathematics
Did you apply for FA?: No

Yes, all of my files were received. I did receive an honors scholarship so I’m not sure if that takes away from any need-based aid.