Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

My D currently attends NEU. Initially NEU was not our first choice, but she received a substantial honors program scholarship, so she decided to attend. To our surprise, NEU has turned out to be fantastic. The friends she’s made are smart, ambitious, good kids. The school administrators are extremely helpful when needed. The curriculum is very very good. And Boston is fun. But the best is the coop program - it’s brilliant!


EA still says 2/1. Maybe they’ll move that closer, too? :crossed_fingers:t2:


I think they normally release the early action decisions the last week of January, but hopefully they move it up! Good luck!!! :slight_smile:


Does your D feel the Honors Program adds more work/more challenging classwork? Or is it more of an Honors Cohort that she enjoys?

My S23 has applied EA. We are OOS and we have not had an opportunity to visit. He’s just going based on all the threads and information he can find out about the CompSci program (he likes that there is a Gaming focus offered in addition to traditional software engineering.

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First, the honors kids get to live in a really beautiful modern “smart” dorm building. Not too shabby! And they all get pretty sizable scholarships that make the school very affordable. I think they take a couple of one credit courses for a couple of semesters that are honors related? But I don’t remember her complaining about them or feeling like they were a burden. In order to remain in the honors program, and to continue to receive your honors scholarship, you have to maintain a certain GPA, which can be extra pressure for some kids. She met most of her closest friends freshman year living in the honors dorm.

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Hi I am a freshman at Northeastern, I got a 33 on the ACT and submitted it so I definitely don’t see that hurting your student.


Hi, I initially applied EA to Northeastern and then over winter break I changed my mind and wanted to do ED2. The deadline was the end of December- I will say though you have to get your school counselor to sign off on the ED2 agreement so doing so over break was difficult so that is something to consider, but you can definitely switch by January 1st. I ended up at Northeastern so it all worked out! Hope this helps.


Hi Delaney. Do you happen to know how many EA applicants (not ED 1/2) were admitted? Just curious.

Where can I find more info about the honors program and benefits? I just told my son last night who’s awaiting ED and has busted his butt and suffered through a lot of anxiety and stress that it was all for the end game of getting into a great college.

I told him that once he’s in (fingers crossed) that he can relax a bit. IMO he doesn’t need to kill himself for Summa or Magna and that employers aren’t checking his transcript once he graduates (I’m a hiring manager for a fortune 20 and we don’t care anyway), he should just focus on As and Bs while enjoying the experience.

But if there is an honors program and if he’s applicable, he would want to weigh the pros and cons (he’s also coming in with 64 college credits and an Honors AA earned while in HS, most credits should transfer).

1 Like I googled Northeastern University Honors Program, and this link came up. Hope it helps.

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@winningticket7 that sounds like an amazing opportunity. Any idea how they select students to attend honors program?

Hi, how did you change from EA to ED2? Did you email the admission?

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I don’t know how they select honors students, but when she received her NEU acceptance letter, the letter stated that she was selected for the honors program.


If you want to change to ED2, there is a form on the portal.


Thank you!!

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In the past it has usually been the top 10-15% per college or major who are accepted into honors, but I am sure that it involves a lot of factors. But it does seem to be by college or major to have a diverse groups of students.

I should say though that being in honors is not something really focused on by most students. There are smaller sections but not necessarily more/harder work, the housing perk the first year, special scholarship fund for DOC and/or global coop (in the last at least) etc. it’ll be interesting to see if they add/change the program as it seems to have little tweaks every year or two.


According to college kickstart only 3,000 of 50,000 last year were accepted EA. They do not show ED2 but I think more than 50% of admissions came from ED1/2. Last year they were extremely tight on admissions because they had a huge yield the year before and had to balance out their admissions and manage their yield tightly. I suspect it will loosen up some this year more back to normal. The previous year 20% of EA were admitted.

A reminder that these figures only show FALL admits to Boston and do not include admissions to NUIN and NUBound because only fall admits are reported nationally.


They also had 50% more applicants last year than in previous years, 60k-90k. That coupled with the decreased acceptances greatly affected the acceptance rate.

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I think they were anticipating more ED applications and had pushed the date back to accommodate them. Could be good news for ED applicants that the numbers weren’t as high. We attended an ED day at the campus and they said about 50% of the Ed1 and ED2 applicants are accepted


That may be accurate, and depends on the numbers of ED applicants to know what % get accepted. I do know that in the past few years, they have filled about 50% of their Fall admit class through ED1/2 but that is obviously different than the acceptance rate.
All in all, NU has just become a very competitive school in high demand and no one can use it as a safety school. It’ll be interesting to see if application numbers continue to grow or plateau, etc.