Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

That’s what mine was for a while and then, finally, there was a letter to say “no financial aid.” I’d say keep clicking on the portal every once in a while.

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ik someone who got an acceptance into global scholars, was it NUin and global scholars that came out?



Some mentioned that the portal looks different even though they haven’t received an acceptance. My son’s portal looks exactly the same. Only thing that changed recently was the Financial Aid check list appearing a few days ago when everyone else noticed that too. Hope it’s not a bad sign.

Thanks for all the info on College Board National Hispanic Merit Scholar. Seems they do acknowledge this, but perhaps with less merit than in past years. At this point, just hoping my son gets in.

The pattern seems to be that most NUin & Global Scholars were notified today and maybe the next few days will be a mix of Boston and alternative campuses (including NUin & Global Scholars) as well as some deferrals and rejections. I don’t think they’d send all the deferrals and rejections on the 3rd day of roll out. That would be pretty cruel.

Wonder if they will begin the new roll out early tomorrow or wait until after 4pm again.


I got in test-optional and had two Bs freshmen year and 2 B+ in my senior quarter grades. Goes to show that stats aren’t everything! I definitely emphasized my extracurriculars and awards


DD got in the global scholars program with 1st sem in London and the 2nd in Oakland and carrying on to Boston for the rest.
I don’t see anything regarding merit listed so not sure what costs and merits are involved?
We did get the email earlier and also one today about decision being ready.
Applied to Psychology major and I don’t have much idea about the choices for major also.

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Yes, NMF merit has been reduced over time. I would not be surprised if it goes away altogether as they rely on test scores less and less and have more TO applicants. Plus NU like many schools have said they are switching more to need based aid rather than merit.

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They no longer have NUin Boston, that was only when travel restrictions were in place. They prob meant NUIN, then Boston.

My son got into the global scholars as well and we were wondering about his major. He applied for computer science but there is no mention of it in his acceptance letter. I’m not sure if not being in Boston to start will be a deal breaker for him.


Did you run the net price calculator before applying? If so, and your offer is way off from what that showed, I would call FA.


It doesn’t seem to be in the acceptance letter, but at the top of the application status page, it should say something like “Congratulations! The Admissions Committee is pleased to offer you admission to (PROGRAM)” and then it should say something about his major or the college that he was admitted to?


Thanks for the tip-I’ll have him check that out

We ran it so we went in expecting no aid. However, we were expecting to get a strong scholarship from the school as a National Recognition Scholar. On the website it said up to 28k per year. But we ended up getting the minimum of 10k which we are unable to do. Gonna send an email asking what they can do next week but if you are expecting a lot from the College Boards National Recognition awards don’t expect much.


My guess would be that that those admitted to the NUin or Global programs (almost all of today’s admits) may be less likely to get the bigger scholarships. I am guessing that the applicants that NU wants the most are offered 4 years in Boston, and are more likely to get the big scholarships?


Agree with your assessment. Dean’s scholarships and the larger National merit scholarships will probably come in the next waves of admissions.


Thank you. We’ll see. Northeastern was an early frontrunner of his when he visited the first time junior year. Then he visited a second time this past summer and he still loved it. But he’s been a bit disillusioned by the different campus options so he’s been saying that he’s ok if he doesn’t get in. And if he does but gets sent to a different location, he’s not sure he wants to attend.

He really wants the full Boston experience coming from the Midwest.


As I shared earlier, their website shares this for national scholarships: “Students who are admitted to Northeastern and are recognized as National Merit Finalists* or National Recognition Program Scholars** will receive a competitive merit-based award, and may also be eligible for financial aid.” It does not guarantee or provide an expectation of any amount. Last year, NMF folks tended to get an additional $5k over their merit provided at acceptance, of any.

Regular merit program can be UP TO $28k considered for all applicants.


The financial document now appeared on the portal but it only states need based using FAFSA. I guess this means no merit awarded. Also on the deposit document it states Explorer program(undeclared) so probably means you can pick any major when returning to Boston.

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My nephew was accepted to NEU in 2015 and back then he received $30,000. Like my son he was a NM Commended scholar and Hispanic recognition scholar. So that’s what I’ve been expecting if my son is admitted. So yes, the amounts mentioned are disappointing considering how much more expensive tuition is!


I’m not holding my breath that they will release anything tomorrow (Sunday). I wouldn’t be shocked if they didn’t release the rest until Monday (hoping I’m wrong though).