Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

My DD applied for the Oakland campus but did not get the email today.

Is there anyone who was directly admitted to Oakland today?


if youā€™ve made up your mind, donā€™t forget to withdraw to give others a chance to attend!


Now the financial aid checklist has disappeared from my sonā€™s portal. Heā€™s only checked on his iPhone but it was there earlier when he checked on his iPhone. Hmmm-hope itā€™s not a bad sign :weary:

Update: he checked on the laptop and the financial aid checklist is still there :woman_shrugging:

Time for bed to avoid insanity! No use worrying about any changes or the verdict when itā€™s out of our control.

Congrats to everyone who received acceptances today! If NU is a top choice and it doesnā€™t seem financially feasible, it doesnā€™t hurt to ask for more $ and plead your case. If it doesnā€™t work out, there will be another college home that is meant to be. Keep the faith!


I noticed this as well. Itā€™s still there if I check on another device though. I just hope they let us know tomorrow instead of Monday


this whole process is excruciating! trying to keep some hope about hearing tomorrow. Does anybody know if thereā€™s a specific time the decision will be released? Or will it be released throughout the day? Additionally, does anyone know if there will be multiple waves in one day? So many questions!!!

Id put my money on monday 4pm or smth


Somebody dmed Northeastern Admissions on instagram and asked, but they replied and said they couldnā€™t tell us anything. So we have no idea how many waves come out per day, nor what time. They did email applicants today though to check their portal, so Iā€™d just say to wait for an email rather than refreshing the portal every 5 minutes


Now I somehow feel a little relieved that we didnā€™t get a decision today since we are only interested in Boston only.


I got for the first semester and then Boston main campus for spring onwards.


In the last year or two, they seemed to add about $5k to merit that was given at admission, but not always. Depending on how much was given to begin with. Likely would not go over $28k total as that is the max for merit. It may also just replace the Deans scholarship for their tracking.

It looks like if there was a global scholars acceptance (or maybe NUIn also), that they automatically created a transfer application and thatā€™s where the acceptance is noted for Global Scholars first year and Boston for soph-senior years.

DS accepted Global Scholars - one year mix of London one semester and NE Oakland one semester. Then Boston year 2+.


Yes, theyā€™ve been phasing out NMF scholarships which makes sense given the shift to TO. When my older D applied in 2012, NMF was full tuition automatically, then in 2015 it shifted to $30k guaranteed, then the guarantee went away and the amounts given have been going down. In recent years, their website says NMF/NHSP are only considered for a ā€œcompetitive scholarshipā€ while regular merit can be ā€œup toā€ $28k. See link I posted earlier. They have been very clear about this on their webpage.

Full transparency, neither of my Dā€™s got NMF.

Iā€™m having a similar problem, before I was accepted I had fulfilled all the financial aid requirements. Now the checklist is gone and there is no decesion on my Fin Aid.


Has anyone been accepted to Nursing via EA at Northeastern yet? My daughter (and I) are anxiously awaiting hearing on her EA status and I wondered if any nursing kids had heard yet?


NUin DD admitted


Actually thatā€™s gone now and just one original app so not sure why there was an interim double app noted in the portal and decision for that app.


Congrats!! Stats please?

Anyone have any info on when the waves are or how often?

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Before you read: Not saying NU and the programs arenā€™t great opportunities, but just find the below interesting and am sharing. Son got into NU In and is excited and considering.
I made a comment yesterday about how it seems statistically impossible that everyone that got a letter was admitted. Well, I was sort of right about the statistical part even though everyone got admitted.

After doing some research the NU In admitted students and their stats are not included in NUā€™s admission numbers. Iā€™m sure it is out there but I havenā€™t found it yet as to what the NU In (and their other non-Boston for 1st semester programs) number of accepted students are and their stats historically.

It is well known that NU very deliberately (and successfully) worked to increase their rankings in the past decades and this program started in 2007, so I would bet that initially that was part of the intent as it makes them appear more selective than they are in reality.