<p>Can anybody give me an idea of what it's like for students from the Northeast to be at a Southern institution like Duke? I'm not at all against the idea .. but I'd like to know more about how some adjusted to the slightly different environment and if their transitions went smoothly.</p>
<p>From what I know, Duke isn't too iconic of a traditional Southern school .. but I'm quite sure it's a bit different from what we're used to up North.</p>
<p>Duke is not southern. Looking at the license plates on the students’ cars from NJ and NY would make you think you were way north of the M-D line.</p>
<p>It’s warmer.
And that’s about it. Not much different than a school like Dartmouth…People from all over the place and definitely doesn’t feel southern. UNC or even UVa are much more southern.</p>
<p>or so I’ve heard… so I’m guessing the “transition to a southern university” isn’t too hard</p>
<p>It’s really hot in the fall? And there are fewer hipsters.</p>