<p>the eye of the storm is the calmest :)</p>
<p>slugger, I'm guessing the Applicant Services site where you put in your email address and code.</p>
<p>EDIT: ^^^ There we go. Cross-posted.</p>
<p>you check here</p>
<p><a href="https://ugadm.northwestern.edu/application/%5B/url%5D">https://ugadm.northwestern.edu/application/</a></p>
<p>i have a sneaking suspicion that there will be no clicking around necessary... and the decisions will pop right up like the letter that's already there (which is identical, in parts, to my confirmation letter...)</p>
<p>AAH, this is worse than waiting for CB to post up SAT/SAT II scores. It's like that x10000000000.</p>
<p>thanks - good luck everyone</p>
<p>It just pops up when they update the site.</p>
<p>I have enabled my automatic page refresher. :)</p>
<p>pops up like here we go click.. POP
or pops up like alright lets get ready to -- POP -- "I WASNT READY!!"</p>
<p>i hope it dosnt suprise me</p>
<p>what page should i refresh?</p>
<p>refresh the first page that you see when you get onto the site.</p>
<p>Here we go.... 6 minutes if they stick to last year's time.</p>
<p>I just got automatic page refresher.
This is sad and pathetic and nerve racking</p>
<p>why doesnt anybody know??</p>
<p>AAAHHH. I can't concentrate... on ANYTHING.</p>
<p>I'm so anxious!!!</p>
<p>一ぷん !</p>
<p>when the f*** is this going to happen im dieing</p>
<p>That's it. They are trying to kill us. It's the only explanation that I can think of.</p>
<p>survival of the fittest!</p>
<p>this is slowly killing me.</p>