Northwestern Early Decision Release Date

<p>Yay dspencer for understanding :) </p>

<p>Clinical insomniac. Oh, dear! I have my page on automatic refresh though =]</p>

<p>does anyone know yet?????? and when does everyone think it will come out?</p>

<p>hey so ive been reading this thread obsessively and just created an account cause this is driving me crazy- is the test run for real- like can anyone confirm that its tomorrow? </p>

<p>ahhh im so terrified/excited....</p>

<p>wait why is everyone so set on the idea that we're finding out tomorrow? i'm freaking out..and i can't sleep....oh MAN...and aside from that i'm obsessively checking the northwestern site..i need to know!</p>

<p>thats how i feel where is all this information coming from</p>

<p>They told someone to send in their ED agreement by the 11th at 1 PM. That indicates something. Maybe... Plus, some people already got their decision. I wouldn't be surprised if they released all of them tomorrow or the day after that.</p>

<p>Rumor is floating around that NW is testing the servers tomorrow before they post the decisions to make sure it will work so I guess if they're testing, they might either post tomorrow or Wed. Whether this is true or not is unconfirmed.</p>

<p>who already got their decision???? what is going ONNNNN? ah i hate how the next four years of my life are going to be semi decided liek...tomorrow or something...whatever! OK GOOD LUCK EVERYONE.</p>

<p>Some athletic/debate recruits already got theirs through E-Mail apparently.</p>

<p>Rumors rumors. Bah. </p>

<p>Why can't they just release them... surely they have made 99% of the decisions. The wait is killing me...</p>

<p>I'm sure they've made 100% of them and its now a matter of packing the envelopes and preparing the computers.</p>

<p>Maybe it's like survival of the fittest. Maybe they are trying to weed out the weak. For example, I got a letter from NU today about a form from the non-custodial parent thing that I asked for a while ago. I freaked out the moment I got it because it was such a small letter, and then I open and it has nothing to do with acceptance or denial. I was going to scream. Don't the people know who they are dealing with.
Aqua, I'm not sleeping tonight but that has less to do with checking my computer, and more to do with me having to do all of the hw that I can't seem to concentrate on because I am constantly on cc or the northwestern website.
<em>refresh, refresh, refresh damn you</em></p>

<p>Hey, save yourself some pain and get the Firefox add-on to refresh with. You can customize the amount of time between each <em>refresh</em>. I am currently using it :)</p>

<p>the site says it will be updated every two days, so my bet is that it'll be on Wednesday.</p>

<p>ahhh if its not up tomorrow im gonna die! and how do you know that they only update every two days?</p>

<p>I think the every 2 days was referring to the application status page. All of us should have a "Y" next to all our stuff already. At least, we better. Hahaha.
I think it could be tomorrow maybe (?).</p>

<p>More importantly, how do we know it was even refreshed today? Hopefully it will be up tomorrow. <em>crosses fingers and does a rain dance for good measure</em></p>

<p>gonna sleep, see you all tomorrow morning. i know you'll all be here hahaha</p>

<p>man, if it doesn't come out tomorrow, a lot of people on this thread are going to be complete wrecks!
let's try to relax, guys! (ha, i realize how impossible of a request that is)</p>

<p>Too bad I'm not an athlete or on debate.... oh well. I'll just try to relax and assume the decision is coming out on Saturday just to concentrate on exams this week. But man I hope I get in. Goodluck!</p>