<p>I'm interested in doing business (management/entrepreneurship) and engineering. Not so much finance.</p>
<p>Northwestern has a better name overall, but USC has a good alumni network and is top 10 in business schools. I also got a full tuition scholarship at USC.</p>
<p>I talked to a lot of people, and they said that overall school name is more important than business school ranking, and Northwestern has an overall better name/rank.</p>
<p>I personally think many undergrad business programs are lame. But if NU gives you no FA, go to USC. Prestige/name matters less in non-finance/investment banking anyway.</p>
<p>Schools matter to the extent of getting you interviews for your first job (still factors like <em>you</em> GPA, resume, cover letter are important part of that picture). How you do at the interviews and whether you will actually seal the deal depends on <em>you</em>. MBA admssion is all about <em>your</em> job performance, leadership potential shown at work, working experience, GMAT score, recs from employers/coworkers, and to a lesser extent, undergrad GPA. Now you see how much really depends on <em>you</em> actually.</p>
<p>goodness gracious go to USC. Academics aside, the atmosphere at NU and USC are relatively similar, with USC having much better weather.
seriously. how can you turn down a full tuition scholarship at USC?</p>