Northwestern vs. USC vs. BC?

<p>I've gotten into BC and i'm waiting on USC and Northwestern. I plan to go to dental school so the course of study I'll be following will be science-based.</p>

<p>I like BC alot but it seems kind of conservative for me. I want to go to college and have a good time, not have to deal with a bunch of rules. Plus the housing situation isn't so grand for a school that charges 50k a year. Greek life is nonexistant there as well. On the upside however, it's extremely close to Boston, which is one of my favorite cities. The academics are great, and it's a good sized school with guidance. Hockey's great too!</p>

<p>Northwestern is obviously the best school academically, but I fear it'll be too much stress. My sister attended there, and she said the organic chemistry students would cry in the library every night. I like that the campus is only about an hour away from my house just incase i decided that going far away wasn't what i wanted to do, but then again I've been to NU so many times because of my older sister it's just not that exciting to me. </p>

<p>USC is a fun school obviously with great athletics and greek life. It seems to offer me the most "college experience" but I don't know how great USC is with the pre-health track or how science majors do overall. My mom is very concerned about the surrounding neighborhood due to its location in LA. The warm weather also doesn't hurt.</p>

<p>For what I want to do and for what I want to experience in college, where do you see the best fit? I'm completely torn.</p>

<p>Unless you get accepted to northwestern and USC, I don’t see the point in deciding right now. You don’t really have a choice…</p>

<p>If you get accepted to all then northwestern…</p>

<p>Unless BC has changed a lot, there is plenty of fun going on there :wink: Ask your question on the BC forum if you don’t get a lot of feedback here.</p>

<p>I have a lot of reactions to your post mostly around the worn-out stereotypes surrounding the schools. My reactions:</p>

<li>Dental School costs a lot of money, go to the one that offers the best financial aid package.</li>
<li>I’ve never heard of a BC student complaining about not having enough fun things to do.</li>
<li>From the statistics I’ve seen, the students at these three schools are virtually indistinguishable.</li>
<li>If you want Greek Life then your only listed options are Northwestern or USC but…</li>

<p>As Xtreme suggests, come back when you have a decision to make.</p>


<p>All are great schools. NU is probably the most prestigious. Should you get in, I wouldn’t worry about it’s difficulty that much. If you get in, you should be able to do the work. (btw Orgo is a ball-buster almost everywhere).</p>

<p>Other than than, I think you’ve done a good job in identifying the differences between the schools. There’s not much I would add. No one here can say which is best for you.</p>