Not bad for a "music" school

<p>Every year I shake my head when some parents pull their kids from this (mostly jazz) program because they fear it "interferes with school work" and instead want their children focused on that which will help them get into college rather than a conservatory. :) </p>

<p>This year - approx 10 Seniors</p>

<p>Harvard EA
Harvard EA
Stanford EA
Dartmouth ED
UVA - Jefferson Scholarship
Tulane - Distinguished Scholar Merit Scholarship
American Musical and Dramatic Arts Academy
2 still waiting on conservatory applications </p>

<p>Last year</p>

New School Jazz</p>


Washington - St. Louis
Eastman - Jazz</p>

<p>I don't understand. Parents pull their kids from what? Participation in the jazz band? Are those the acceptances for the jazz band kids?</p>

<p>Outside Music School focused on Live performance and jazz - sort of like a year round jazz camp - weekly lessons and combo (jazz or rock) optional seminars and jams plus extra gig rehersals as necessary. Students are from the NY metro area.</p>

<p>Youngest groups perform 2-3 times during school year. Older groups are looking at typically 5-10 performances while the top group goes year round, and can play upwards of 30 gigs in a year. (Which includes a summer tour)</p>

<p>Those are the acceptances from the seniors in the program. They seemed pretty impressive to me for a "non-academic" activity.</p>

<p>I saw a similar pattern with kids who were in a pre-college conservatory program. About 80 kids "graduated" from this program with impressive results. About one 3rd were going to Ivy or other very elite schools, another 3rd were headed for major music conservatories. </p>

<p>At one time my D was thinking about premed. I told her that if she had any serious interest, she needed to maintain her concentration on music. Obviously there are not a large numbers of music majors who apply to medical school, but those who apply are twice as likely to be accepted when compared with biology majors. In addition to requiring discipline and effort, music seems to change the way the brain works.</p>

<p>I was in a combo all through high school. Playing gigs is a great experience...jazz is is great...I don't know what parent would choose the chess club over this!</p>

<p>edad - i agree with you.</p>

<p>i once visited with a school music instructor who told me that a very high percentage of h.s. band students go on to attend college. i would imagine it's not just limited to band students but to other musical students as well.</p>