<p>I played basketball my freshman year, but I had to quit because of medical reasons. Will not playing a sport severely hurt the strength of my EC's? I'm picking up bowling this year, since it is the only sport I can really play now, but it isn't extremely time consuming.
These are the EC's I have so far:</p>
<p>Basketball (9)
Volunteer Basketball Coach
AAU Basketball (9)
Bible Drive that raised 700 Bibles
Math Team
Engineering Team
Volunteer at science museum
Quiz Bowl Team
Founded STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Math) Club</p>
<p>All of these I am passionate about except bowling, but my school requires that everyone plays a sport.</p>
<p>I don’t play any sports for medical reasons.
so I think you’re okay.</p>
<p>Colleges aren’t looking that you have a million EC’s, and they especially wouldn’t reject you because of medical reasons. Make sure you’re passionate about your EC’s. I must say though, that required sport rule sounds ridiculous.</p>
<p>School sports are pretty meaningless IMO. Unless you’re passionate about your sport or plan to play it in college, they take up a lot of time and don’t get you anywhere in college.
I read that in an article today.</p>
<p>I’ve played tennis over the years, but not at school. I don’t want to spend 3 hours a day when I could be studying for a huge test or sleeping or something.</p>
<p>Yep 9th grade.
And @AllergicToBs: I know, and I am passionate about the EC’s I have now, but previously I felt that basketball was one of the EC’s I was most passionate about.</p>
<p>@HARDWORKFTW: Haha that’s tough…I think the Heat will pull themselves together and beat Boston. I really want to say that the Thunder will beat the Spurs, since they’re so fun to watch, but the Spurs’ experience will prevail. Then I think the Spurs will beat the Heat in 4-5 games. You?</p>
<p>School sports aren’t meaningless lol. Is your definition of meaningless anything that takes up a lot of time, and won’t get you into college?</p>
<p>If so, get off the internet!</p>
<p>Edit: I should also mention they aren’t necessary at all. Just like taking part in a random club isn’t necessary. However, if you like doing it or want to do it then by all means go for it! It’s not meaningless. You should be doing the things you want, and like to do, because you want to do said things, not because it might look good on a resume.</p>