Not getting the diploma

Should I dropout of the IB Diploma Program? My IB Coordinator told me that I won’t get the diploma because CAS, EE, TOK, and my math IA are overdue. I got fifty something hours of CAS, my EE is completely trash. I did pretty bad in TOK, and I didn’t turn in my math IA. What’s the best decision for me? Please help me.

Are you getting a diploma from your high school? Do you plan on going to college in the U.S.? The answer to your question depends on your answers to those questions.

I assume you are a senior since all of that is overdue, so you may as well concentrate on passing your IB courses and getting your normal hs diploma. I can’t imagine switching into an entirely different curriculum in the middle of senior year. What are your plans for after hs? Any acceptances in hand?