<p>Anyone happen to know where to order one online? I want to be prepared for the day after the decision comes :)</p>
<p>Lol same I can’t find one</p>
<p>Actually either penn book store or club colors. It was linked from upenn.edu which surprised me. You’ll get to page for the t-shirts and on one of them there’s like 10 different prints you can have (one being the Not Penn State one). </p>
<p>There’s also several on cafe press.</p>
<p>But, I wouldn’t wear one seeing as how half my school ends up at PSU and I’d feel like a major ###hole wearing it.</p>
<p>cafepress.com has them.</p>
<p>I got one from some ivy store that supplies all ivy clothes.</p>
<p>The ones on cafepress aren’t exactly fancy…</p>
<p>I was more looking for one like this:</p>
<p><a href=“http://farm3.static.■■■■■■■■■■/2350/1512315757_1dded2cd84.jpg?v=0[/url]”>http://farm3.static.■■■■■■■■■■/2350/1512315757_1dded2cd84.jpg?v=0</a></p>
<p>ugh don’t get one. those shirts are so tasteless.</p>
<p>I’d only get one because everyone I tell about where I want to go get it confused with Penn State.</p>
<p>haha that’s a funny shirt. if i end up at penn, i’ll totally get that</p>
<p>i know this is stupid but ive been wearing my dads penn sweatshirt to bed like every night until decisions come out. may be it will help?</p>
<p>Are you guys seriously so insecure about people, God forbid, thinking you go to a <em>gasp</em> state school that you’ll spend money on a t-shirt advertising the fact? Tasteless is right.</p>
that hurt?
<p>You’re being ridiculous. The shirt is OBVIOUSLY meant to be humorous and you’re reading WAY too much its message. Hell, if I go to penn, I’ll wear this shirt everyday.</p>
<p>exactly it has to do with taking pride in a school and loving where you go</p>
<p>I live in a town with a PSU campus, so needless to say there is a huge portion of every graduating class that attends. I wear my NOT PENN STATE shirt on a semi-regular basis. The kids who actually get the shirt LOVE IT… unfortunately most people are just like, “uhhh what’s that mean?!?”</p>
<p>I’m with you on the superstitions; my thing is that I haven’t (consciously) chosen to wear gear from the different universities I have visited ever since I submitted my app.</p>
<p>The best ones were sold on Locust Walk a few years back…they pilfered the Penn seal and encircling font and everything. I still have mine, even though too much elitist lovin’ has made the poor little bugger rather threadbare by now…</p>
<p>Found the one on Penn’s bookstore site.</p>
<p>[Product</a> Detail - University of Pennsylvania Bookstore](<a href=“http://upenn.bncollege.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10001&categoryId=40039&parentCatId=40007&storeId=10056&langId=-1&topCatId=40000&productId=400000010532&level=]Product”>http://upenn.bncollege.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10001&categoryId=40039&parentCatId=40007&storeId=10056&langId=-1&topCatId=40000&productId=400000010532&level=)</p>
<p>Left, 3rd from the top.</p>
<p>yea if i get in i need one. most ppl at my school don’t no the difference btw penn state and upenn.</p>
<p>If I get in I am soo buying that shirt.</p>